Lavender oil for hair - all the secrets of the right application

Aromamasla is an integral part of natural cosmetic preparations. The range of their use is extensive, and in the care of locks as active phytocomponents it is by no means a rarity. Let's dwell on how to use lavender oil for hair, what problems with its help it will be possible to solve.

What is the use of lavender hair oil?

The ether in question has a pleasant, fresh, persistent aroma that can have a beneficial effect on the whole organism. The composition of this product has more than a hundred components, a significant part of which is considered very useful for hair (for example, antiseptics, organic acids, tannic compounds, resins).

One of the merits of the drug can be called its versatility, - the fragrant substance can help in the healing of any type of dowel, and even very weakened and damaged. The use of lavender oil for hair is palpable with regular procedures and manifests itself in such basic effects:

Lavender oil - properties and application for hair

Lavender hair oil can be used for both health and preventive purposes. There is an effect on the hairs themselves with an improvement in their structure, on bulbs with their feeding and stimulation of activity, and also on the surface of the head. Before using lavender oil for hair, it is important to make sure that you do not have an allergy or intolerance to this fragrant substance.

To make sure the individual safety of lavender oil for hair, you should apply a small amount on the forearm from the inside and follow the reaction. Divorcing a droplet in a half teaspoon of olive oil, lightly rub it into the skin. If after a couple of hours of adverse events (rash, swelling, redness) is not observed, the drug can be used. Also, there should be no negative reactions when inhaled by this ether (headache, nausea).

Lavender essential oil for hair - properties

Healing qualities of the aether under consideration are valued not only in cosmetology, but even in official medicine, so its influence on the human body has been thoroughly studied. So, it is known that the essential oil of lavender for hair and head tissues has the following favorable properties:

Lavender oil for hair, applied to the surface of the head, promotes increased blood circulation in tissues, improved metabolic processes, active intake of nutrient compounds to the follicles. Important is the positive effect of this aromatic product on the nervous system, as, as is known, many problems of strands are associated with stresses , neuroses. Active ingredients, through the roots, the scalp and the respiratory tract, contribute to calm, easy falling asleep and full rest.

Lavender oil for hair - application

The ether of this plant is a highly concentrated product, so it must be diluted before use. For example, the drug can be added to the finished care products. More successfully lavender hair oil application is found with such problems as:

Oil of lavender for hair from fat content

If the hairs quickly get dirty at the roots and after a couple of days after the water procedures have the appearance of "shiny icicles", it is more likely that the problem lies in the increased work of the sebaceous glands. To help stabilize the situation, the aroma oil in question is capable of. Essential oil of lavender for hair from fat content can be used for various procedures - rinsing, massage, aromatherapy, etc. Already after 1-2 months, a persistent result becomes visible, and the strands will remain fresh for a long time after washing their hair.

How to use lavender hair oil?

If the lavender essential oil for hair is planned to be used for prevention or with minor defects, it is easiest to simply mix it with ordinary cosmetics. In those cases when it is necessary to seriously deal with strengthening and restoration of curls, it is desirable to conduct a course of recovery by regularly applying mixtures that contain lavender oil for hair.

Masks for hair with lavender oil

Essential oil of lavender for hair, the use of which is provided as a component of home masks, it is better to buy in a pharmacy or a specialized store with a quality guarantee. To check the quality of the purchased product, you can drop a small amount of it onto white thin paper and see if there will be a greasy stain after full drying.

For the preparation of health and restorative compounds, different components can be used, which are selected in accordance with the basic needs of the strands, their type and texture. Do masochki should be at least once a week for prevention and twice - with a therapeutic purpose. Let's consider some simple recipes with available components.

Mask for hair with lavender oil for shine and moisturizing


Preparation and use

Preheat the first component on the steam bath, attach the remaining components to it. Apply mass to the wet strands and leave for about a quarter of an hour. Wash off with warm water, if necessary with shampoo.

Mask for hair with essential oil of lavender from fat content


Preparation and use

Rinse the yolk with honey, add other ingredients, mix everything. Apply on the roots and along the entire length for half an hour, then rinse off under the shower.

Mask for dried, damaged strands, accelerating growth


Preparation and use

Mixing all the components, apply the composition on the head under the hood. How much to leave the lavender hair oil in the composition of the obtained aroma mixture depends on the degree of their damage. So, you can withstand the remedy for half an hour or leave for a whole night.

Lavender oil for hair in shampoo

Each time during the washing of the head it is recommended to add lavender hair oil to the shampoo at the rate of a couple drops on a tablespoon of detergent. In the same way, you can enrich balms, conditioners, rinses, etc. In addition to the above-described positive effect, as a result, for a long time will remain a delicate aroma, leaving behind the lightest train.