Lake Tumblingan

The famous three of the sacred lakes of the island of Bali - Bratan, Buyan and Tamblingan - is well known to tourists. These are three reservoirs formed once in the caldera of the ancient extinct volcano Chatur. The history of this area is extremely interesting, and today many tourists traveling around the island come here to see the famous lakes. In this article we will talk about one of them - under the name Tamblingan.

Geographical position

Lake Tumblingan is located at the foot of Mount Lesung (Lesung Mountain) near the settlement of Munduk. Tumblingan is the smallest lake in the caldera. It is located next to Lake Buyan , and they are even connected by a thin isthmus. There is an opinion that earlier these lakes were a single reservoir, but were divided as a result of the earthquake that occurred in the XIX century.

The climate here is much cooler than in the rest of Bali - mainly because of the location, because there is a lake at an altitude of 1217 m relative to sea level. It is best to come here in the dry season, because during the rains the banks can be flooded.

The importance of Lake Tumblingan

This reservoir is especially revered by local residents, and there are two reasons for this:

  1. Tamblingan along with the lakes Bratan , Batur and Buyan are the only sources of fresh water on the island of Bali. If they were not there, then life would be impossible here, not to mention the creation of resorts so popular all over the world.
  2. The religious significance of the lake is not less. In Hinduism, any source of water is considered holy, because this is the focus of the elements. Around the Tamblingan lake there are many Hindu temples .

What to see?

Travelers, despite the difficulties of the road, go here to:

  1. To appreciate the inexpressible beauty of the local landscapes. The lake is comfortably located in a valley between high mountains and is surrounded by a dense forest. Cazuarins, cedars, and pines grow here. The nature fascinates, the atmosphere here is quiet, peaceful. On the lake you can ride a canoe, having agreed with the locals about the lease.
  2. Visit Gubug (Pura Oolun Danu Tamblingan) - the main among the many small temples scattered on the slopes of Mount Lesung. It is dedicated to Devi Dan - the goddess of water. The temple looks very strict: multilevel roofs, stone entrance, dark color of stones. When it rains, the building floods, and the shrine stands on the water, just like the famous, Pura Oolong Danu Bratan on the nearby lake. Other temples bear the names of Pura Tirtha Menging, Pura Endek, Pura Pengukiran, Pura Naga Loka, Pura Batulepang, Penguokusan.
  3. To see Lesung mountain - one can not only admire it, but also make an ascent to view the neighborhood from its summit.
  4. Visit the waterfall Munduk , located 3 km from the lake. There are several cottages where tourists stay for a couple of days, and restaurants where delicious dishes of Indonesian cuisine . If you want, you can visit the strawberry farm to buy or with your own hands to collect for yourself a real Balinese strawberry.

Mysteries of Lake Tumblingan

A lot of legends surround this mysterious pond:

  1. First, it is believed that once in its place there was an ancient city, and very developed. Balinese legends say that its inhabitants were able to levitate, communicate telepathically, walk on water and had other amazing skills. Archaeologists have even discovered an ancient ship at the bottom of Tamblingana, and local fishermen still find products made of stone and pottery. And as if now there is a city at the bottom of the lake, only people inhabited by it do not have a body, and feed on only the sacred waters.
  2. The second legend says that the water in the lake is really curative. Even the very name of the reservoir is composed of the words "tamba", which means treatment and "Elingan" (spiritual ability). Once in Bedugul and its environs, the epidemic of an unknown disease raged, and only the prayers of the Brahmins and the use of holy water from the lake helped the sick.
  3. And, finally, the third belief, which echoes the story, says that it was here that the civilization of Bali began. At this place there were 4 villages, which together were called Catur Desa. Their inhabitants had a duty to maintain the purity and sanctity of the reservoir and the temples around it.

Features of visit

Since the lake and its environs are considered a protected territory in Indonesia , then visiting them is paid - 15 thousand rupees ($ 1.12). This amount will have to be paid at the official entrance. If you are traveling in Bali on your own and will get to the lake on foot from Bujana, these costs can be avoided.

Here you can admire simultaneously two sacred lakes, being on one of the viewing platforms. It is very convenient that they have coffee shops. Frightened by the unusual coolness of the tourists with pleasure drink delicious Balinese coffee. There are usually few visitors here, because Tamblingan is the last in the chain of lakes, and many people just do not get to it, preferring after visiting Buyan to go to the Git-Git waterfall .

How to get to the lake?

Tamblingan is located in the northern part of the island of Bali. Public transport does not come here, and you can get there either by car or by scooter. The road from Denpasar takes you 2 hours, from Singaraja - 50-55 minutes depending on the route. Excursions on all three lakes are usually combined.