Hot sandwich roasters

Among kitchen assistants not so long ago there were very convenient adaptations - electric rosters for sandwiches. They are something akin to an electric oven and a microwave oven, but they all have their own separate name and purpose. Depending on the composition of the family, this device is chosen according to the internal volume, which is measured in liters.

How to choose an electric roaster?

Although the roster and has almost the same capabilities as a microwave oven and oven, but they buy it primarily for cooking hot sandwiches with all kinds of fillings.

The roasters for hot sandwiches , depending on the model, have a glass heat-resistant door, behind which breakfast is prepared. But there are also open-type models. The inner surface can be made of ceramics (the most expensive models) or stainless steel.

If your roaster is used not only for sandwiches, then it makes sense to consider models with a built-in grill and a pallet. Such multi-purpose devices are suitable for preparing different dishes for a small family.

Choosing a roaster for sandwiches, you should pay attention to the models, but which are somewhat cheaper. Such a device, for example, is a waffle iron roaster. If you do not plan to grow anything else in growth, then think about the possibility of buying a model that fries bread slices in one compartment, and in another warms them with stuffing - it's a kind of roaster-toaster.

In the models of recent years, the heating element is a quartz tube, which evenly warms the food and helps make an appetizing ruddy crust.

Waffle maker-roaster for hot sandwiches

It is very inexpensive to buy a waffle iron with a different set of baits. In addition to classic waffles of different shapes, it can be used to prepare closed hot sandwiches with a wide variety of fillings. Non-stick coating of such waffle-makers allows to clean the surface without problems, and the products, in turn, do not burn.

Rosters are good in a family where there are schoolchildren, and during the morning fees in the account every minute. The form is laid out a special thin piece of bread for a toaster, on top of a filling of sausage, greens, cheese, tomatoes and everything is covered with another piece of bread. This breakfast is very nutritious and will preserve the feeling of satiety for a long time.