Mobile on a cot

You are preparing to become a parent or have already acquired this status quite recently, and the question arose before you - whether or not to purchase a mobile phone. Do you need a mobile phone for a crib, is it a necessary purchase or is it a pampering without which you can do without - let's understand together.

Do I need a mobile phone for babies?

For newborns, mobile is the very first toy, because first the child learns to distinguish sounds, concentrate on objects, and the mobile for developing these skills is an ideal device. The child can take the toy in handles not earlier than at the age of three months, and during this time the mobile becomes an excellent way to distract the baby, calm him and give his mother some free time for himself. Lying in the crib, the kid will watch with interest the moving bright figures, listen to the music, and a little later - and try to reach for them with pens that will develop his motor skills. In addition, some babies easily and quickly fall asleep in their cribs, lulled by the spinning of toys under pleasant music. The classical music mobile phone will give parents not only some free time, but also will delight their hearing with beautiful melodies.

Types of mobile phones

The modern market pleases with the huge choice of various models of mobile phones. Everyone will be able to make a choice for their own taste and in accordance with material possibilities.

1. The simplest models are mechanical ones. They work on the principle of a music box - you manually wind the spring and, slowly unwinding, it sets in motion a carousel with toys and a musical device. Such mobile phones have a lower price, they weigh less and the duration of the melody does not exceed three minutes.

2. Electric vehicles along with a disadvantage in the form of a higher price have a number of undeniable advantages:

Does your child need a mobile phone for a crib - of course you decide, but this device can make life much easier young mother and give her the opportunity for some time to give herself.

What should I look for when choosing?

In order for the mobile to become your wand and to deliver only positive emotions to you and your baby, it is worthwhile to pay due attention to the choice. If there is not much money planned for this thing in your budget, it's better to stop your attention on the mobile of a good manufacturer with fewer functions than on a multifunctional Chinese counterfeit. Mobile should be securely attached to a baby cot, not to have an unpleasant smell, toys should not be very bright, and melodies should please the ears, and not cause irritation - all of these nuances depend on the health and mood of your baby.