Hip joint dislocation in newborns

Dislocation of the hip joint of newborns (congenital dislocation of the hip in children) is a hypoplasia or an incorrect mutual arrangement of the elements of the hip joint. There are several degrees of severity of this disease, depending on the level of displacement of the femur (its head) in relation to the joint cavity:

  1. Dislocation;
  2. Subluxation;
  3. Dysplasia.

Symptoms of the disease

The importance of treatment of dislocations, subluxations and hip dysplasia in newborns is explained by the fact that the formation of joints in infants is still ongoing, which allows (in the case of early diagnosis and timely treatment) to achieve significant success in the treatment of this disease.

Parents are quite capable of independently diagnosing congenital hip dislocations in newborns. To do this, you should know their main symptoms:

Hip Dislocation in Newborns: Treatment

The hip joints of the newborn are in the formative stage, so it is so important not to engage in self-medication, but immediately after having a suspicion of dislocation, contact a doctor. In no case should you delay consultations with specialists, because it is from early diagnosis and timely therapy that the success of treatment depends to a large extent.

A typical complex of therapeutic methods includes the appointment of special gymnastics, massage, medical treatment (for this purpose a wide swaddling, special tires, "stirrups", etc.), medicines may additionally be prescribed.