The baby does not sleep well

Healthy sleep, nutrition and mother care are the main components of active growth and development of the baby. Of course, in an ideal newborn baby should sleep until he gets hungry. But such babies are sooner an exception than the rule.

Many mothers are so used to the fact that the baby is not sleeping well, both during the day and at night, that sleepless nights seem to them a matter of everyday and habitual. However, this is not so: at half a year old babies can easily sleep all night, skipping feeding. Therefore, if a child does not sleep well at night, it is necessary to revise the regime of the day, the frequency of feeding, pay close attention to the general condition and mood of the crumbs, in order to identify and eliminate the cause of disturbance of the baby.

Why does not the baby sleep at night?

Chronic fatigue, nervous and physical exhaustion of parents against a background of constant lack of sleep do not have the best effect on the condition of the child. As a result, gets a vicious circle, which, in fact, is not so difficult to break. Because very rarely the cause of restless child's sleep and frequent nocturnal awakenings is a serious illness. Basically, if the little woman began to sleep badly at night, we can assume the following:

In most cases, mom can independently figure out why her baby is not sleeping well.

What if the baby does not sleep well?

Most parents prepare in advance that the first 2-3 months they are guaranteed sleepless nights, because everyone knows that babies at this age do not sleep well at night.

Strange as it may seem, many problems can be avoided if it is properly organized to take care of the child and provide all the conditions for a proper rest.

For this you need:

  1. Let's start with a diaper. In the first months of the baby's life, parents should not save on quality diapers that are able to retain moisture well and do not cause allergies. A dry and clean priest is one of the components of a quiet sleep.
  2. In time to recognize the colic. This is not difficult, if you carefully look at the behavior of the child. When the baby is troubled by pain in the tummy, he does not sleep well and is naughty, bending his legs. In this case, you can give dill vodka or other medications for newborns, which will relieve crumbs from suffering.
  3. Make sure that the room where the child sleeps is ventilated. Optimal temperature and moist air have a huge impact on the quality of the baby's sleep.
  4. Daily carry out water and other care procedures immediately before bedtime. Thus, the baby gets installation and will fall asleep much easier and faster.
  5. Do not forget that there are certain norms of child's sleep. Often, parents are puzzled why the babe is not sleeping well at night, forgetting that he fully meets his needs during the day. Physical activity, new impressions, and the main normalized daytime sleep are necessary conditions for an overnight rest.
  6. On-demand feeding is another reason for frequent nocturnal awakenings. Of course, the baby needs to be fed if he is hungry, at first it gives a lot of worry at night. But later, the baby's code will grow, the intervals between meals will increase, and parents will be able to sleep longer.
  7. Some children need to constantly feel their mother's presence. This phenomenon is explained by the close relationship between mother and child in the first years of life. In the future, this relationship is weakened, and the baby will be able to sleep peacefully even in another room.
  8. Much less common are sleep disorders due to the characteristics of the nervous system. In this case, it will not be superfluous to consult a neurologist.