Kalanchoe "Kalandiva" - care

Bright, colorful, lushly flowering - all these epithets can be fully attributed to such a familiar, and even a little boring Kalanchoe . More precisely, to one of the species of this plant is Kalanchoe "Kalandiva". On how to care for the calanchoe "Kalandiva" at home, we'll talk today.

Care for Calanchoe "Kalandiva"

Kalanchoe "Kalandiva" can be called without exaggeration the best gift for any florist. All thanks to the unpretentious nature, undemanding care and excellent decorativeness. For the full development and regular flowering Kalanchoe "Kalandiva" requires the organization of the following conditions:

  1. Year-round diffuse lighting for a minimum of 9 hours a day. A suitable light mode for Kalanchive Kalanchive can be provided by placing it on the east or west window.
  2. The temperature ranges from +18 to +30 degrees in summer and from +14 to +16 degrees in winter. Winter cooling is vital for Kalanchoe for the formation of flower buds.
  3. Moderate watering . Like other succulents, the calanchoe "Kalandiva" absolutely does not tolerate waterlogging. To avoid decay, you can water it only when the soil in the pot is dry at a depth of 15-20 mm.
  4. Timely pruning . Kalanchoe "Kalandiva" is growing rapidly, and during the year it is usually heavily stretched and loses a fair amount of decorativeness. To avoid this, care after flowering must necessarily include a radical pruning Kalanchoe "Kalandiva." At the same time, all shoots are trimmed as low as possible, almost level with the ground.
  5. Periodic transplant . Young plants must be moved to a new pot every year, and adults repeat this procedure as they "outgrow" the old pot. On average this happens every 4-5 years.