Lavatera - planting and care, as well as other secrets of cultivation

If you want to decorate your site with original and unpretentious flowers, then information about what is the lava, planting and care for it and other secrets of growing will be useful and interesting. Gardeners give good advice that will help spread the plant in almost any territory.

Lavatora in landscape design

If you want to decorate your territory and create an original composition, experts advise choosing a lavater that looks good on its own and perfectly combines with other cultures. Many people are interested in how the lava is flowering, and so there are many shades and the most common is white, pink, purple and purple. The flowering process is long and begins from the summer and ends after the first frost. Combine this floral culture is recommended with irises, verbena, sage, delphinium and other plants.

Lavaera, landing and care of which includes several mandatory procedures, looks great near spreading bushes and near large trees. They plant such flowers on lawns with grass. High grades are suitable for forming hedges and for decorating different buildings. In the group plantings, several varieties of lavaters look great. If they have different heights, then you can get an amazing composition. It is important to consider the combination in the color scheme.

Lavaetera - varieties

On its site, it is possible to plant three types of lavas: one-year, multi-year and two-year, which is represented by a tree-like bush. The first two species will be described further, and as for the third type, it is necessary to find out what the lavaera looks like, so this plant has a straight and slender stem, which reaches a height of up to two meters. Its leaves are oval, and the flowers are red-purple. Flowering is observed from July to mid-September. The main varieties of treelike lavatories, planting and care for which do not differ from other species: Rosea and Candy Floss.

Lavaetera annual

Plants of this group are three months old and they are characterized by lush bushes, with a height of 50 to 120 cm. The leaves are lobed, and their color is light green. They are located along the entire length of the shoots and taper to the apex. In the description of the lava, it is indicated that single flowers appear in the leaf axils in July, which are funnel-shaped. Their diameter is 10 cm. Flowering is abundant and lasts a long time. The main varieties: "Pretty Woman", "White Cherub", "Silver Bowl" and "Tanagra".

Lavaetera is a perennial

Plants belonging to this group are called "Thuringian". The height of shrubs is up to 2 m. Shoots are upright and branched. They are covered with leaves of cordate or round shape. Finding out what the lava flower looks like, it is worth noting that on the leaves and stems there is a hard pile of gray color. Inflorescences are racemose, and axillary inflorescences blossom in mid-June. Main varieties: "Mystic Marilyn", "Bregon Springs" and "Barnsley Baby".

Lavaera - landing

Seeds can be collected on their own or purchased in the store. If they are qualitative, they will have a fan-shaped shape and a light brown or grayish color. The instructions on how to plant the lava, emphasis on the need to choose a good site and prepare the soil.

  1. The territory should not be in the shade, because the culture is photophilic.
  2. The pre-selected land should be fertilized with the manure, and then dig it up according to the standard scheme.
  3. After that, evenly distributed mineral fertilizing, which should include 1 tsp superphosphate, urea, potassium sulfate and nitroammofoski.
  4. The final stage of plot preparation involves raking the land with rakes.

How to plant lavateru in the ground?

To grow this flower culture on your territory, you can use two ways of planting:

  1. With the help of seedlings. Gardeners are more likely to choose this option for growing lavatories, planting and caring for which should be done according to the rules. It is not recommended to seed the seeds too early, since the seedlings will stretch too much in a short light-day. Choose flat containers that fill with soil, and then, scatter the seeds and lightly sprinkle them. Cover them with glass and periodically moisturize. In five days there will be shoots, which need to be weeded out. After the appearance of the second pair of leaves, plantations are dived into separate containers. It is necessary to carry out three top dressings with an interval of two weeks. When there are no frosts, transplants can be transplanted into the open ground. Dig out the holes and add to each complex fertilizer and humus, and then, pour them well. Bury the sprouts 5 cm above the sepals. After that, during 10 days it is important to water abundantly the plantations.
  2. With the help of seeds. In order to decorate the site with the lava, landing in the ground can be carried out at the beginning of spring, but in this case it is necessary to cover the planting material with a special material. At the selected site, make grooves with a depth of about 1 cm. Distribute the seeds and fill them with a soil mixture, which should include garden soil and humus, taken in equal amounts. Plantings are recommended to water abundantly. When the shoots will reach up to 5 cm, the shelter is removed and care can begin, having broken the shoots.

When to plant the lava in the open ground?

Landing should be carried out at a time when the warm weather is already established, and it will be possible not to be afraid of frosts. If you want to get an early flowering, seed the seeds in seedlings in boxes at the end of February / March. Landing lavaters in the open ground and planting seedlings should be at the end of April - early May. For warm regions it is acceptable to sow seeds on the street in March-April.

How to grow a lavater?

There are certain rules concerning the cultivation of the presented flower culture. To the lava in the garden and other areas developed and blossomed, it is not enough just to plant a flower, so it is necessary to look after it properly. Proper feeding and watering is of great importance, and there are a number of recommendations concerning the care of this flower culture.

Lavatera in the flowerbed - watering

Proper development and abundant flowering can not be imagined without good irrigation, which is carried out once a week, but note that the land must dry well, if it has rained, then the procedure should be rescheduled. During the dry summer irrigation is recommended to be carried out twice a week, pouring under the bush to 20 liters of water. During a strong and prolonged heat, garden flowers of the lavatory, experienced gardeners are advised to spray, but make sure that the water does not fall into the buds, as they will deteriorate. To preserve moisture, mulching can be applied.

Lavatera - care

There are several recommended procedures that are important to observe in order to minimize the risk of diseases and rich flowering:

  1. To ensure good growth of the lava, planting and care involves loosening the soil and the procedure should be performed once a week until the height of the bush reaches 1 m. After that, the loosening should be stopped, since there is a risk of damaging the roots.
  2. While the flower is small, be sure to remove the weeds, but this procedure will disappear by itself, as they will not grow with older plants.
  3. When growing perennial varieties they are not cut off, but simply cut off already discolored inflorescences. After it rains, it is recommended to remove the flowers that have wilted, because they will convert water due to water to mucus, and it is dangerous for leaves, as it will burn them.
  4. Many are wondering whether the lava is afraid of freezing or not, so you do not need to completely dig a flower, but some protective procedures are still mandatory. You should bend the bushes to the ground, fasten them with staples and sprinkle with leaves or fir paws.
  5. Plants of large varieties need additional support.

Lavatora garden - additional fertilizing

For proper development, a loose, light and nutritious soil is necessary. In the instructions, how to grow a lavater, it is indicated that the top dressing should be carried out two times before bud formation and after that.

  1. If fertilizers were not applied before the planting, then care implies fertilizing 20 days after disembarkation. Use for this you need a solution, for the preparation of which a bucket of water is taken 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea and the same amount of nitrophosphate .
  2. If fertilizers were introduced, then during the formation of buds, the lavatories, planting and care will include the use of such feeding: one bucket of water is taken per bucket of water. spoon of sodium sulfate and potassium.

How to multiply the plant lavatera?

To increase the number of plantations, there is no need to carry out special procedures, since breeding occurs by self-sowing. It is worth noting that the lava in the garden does not lose its characteristics and bright color. If, as a result of self-sowing, the flowers spread to areas not intended for breeding, they will have to wait until the seedlings grow up to perform the transplant. You can collect seeds on your own and do it in the fall. Take off entire boxes, do not gut them. In spring, plant them in a new flower garden. The survival rate of the lava is 100%.

Lavatora in the flowerbed - diseases and pests

The plant is resistant to various diseases and pests. In rare cases, some problems are possible:

  1. The flower of the lava, planting and care for which should be carried out according to the rules, aphids can be affected. To cope with insects, you need to wash them off with soapy water or you can spray with a systemic drug.
  2. Another possible problem is rust (fungal disease). It appears as pustules of yellow or orange color, which are located on the leaves on the underside. When they ripen, then they crack and from them spores protrude, infecting healthy plants. To cope with the problem, remove the affected parts, and then, spray, for example, with the drug "Topaz" or "Hom" .