Fungicide "Strobi"

It's no secret that even the most picky selection of planting material or seedlings can not be a guarantee of their 100% survival rate. The greatest danger for both young and mature plants is the incomprehensible pathogens of various fungal diseases. Provide for the protection of the garden with various fungicides. So, the fungicide "Strobi" has proved its worth, the instruction on which application we will consider in detail today.

Fungicide "Strobi" - description

The drug "Strobi" was one of the first fungicides developed by BASF on the basis of kresoxim-methyl. This active substance was born as a result of work on the improvement of strobilurin molecules obtained from the edible fungus Strobilurus tenacellus growing on cones, which has a high fungicidal effect. Due to the mechanism of action, as close to nature as possible, the fungicide "Strobi" perfectly fights with pathogenic fungi, without harming the environment. It is practically harmless for birds, bees and warm-blooded animals. Moreover, it is the only drug that can be safely applied during flowering. It is distinguished also by a high level of resistance to moisture, which is especially important in the fight against scab, the causative agents of which are most active during the rainy season. The mechanism of action of the "Strobi" is based on the formation on the surface of leaves and fruits of a protective film, which significantly slows spore germination.

Diseases for which you can use Strobi:

Fungicide "Strobi" - instruction

The drug is designed to combat fungal diseases in fruit trees, shrubs, roses, chrysanthemums, tomatoes, peppers and grapes. Spraying is carried out in a calm, dry weather, without forgetting to put on personal protective equipment. To treat apples, pears, peppers, tomatoes and roses, you need to dissolve 2 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. And for the processing of grapes, the solution is prepared based on 2 g of the preparation for 6-7 liters of water. The prepared solution is not subject to long-term storage, it should be used for two hours. To achieve the maximum effect from the use of "Strobi" can only be provided that it is alternated with other fungicides.