Otitis externa - symptoms and treatment in adults

Various infectious agents can provoke a diffuse or limited inflammation of the external auditory canal. In the first case, it is completely affected, the second type of pathology is characterized by the presence of a furuncle. But both types of the disease are external otitis - the symptoms and treatment in adults of this problem are well known to the otolaryngologist. Therefore, with the appearance of the slightest signs of an inflammatory process, it is important to immediately consult a doctor so that the infection does not spread into the ear.

Symptoms of external otitis in adults

The course of the described illness corresponds to its form.

With a limited type of pathology, the following clinical manifestations are observed:

After a certain period of time, the furuncle is usually opened, after which pus flows out of it.

Symptoms of diffuse external otitis media in adults:

Treatment of external otitis media in adults

To develop the correct therapy for the presented disease, it is important to determine the pathogen that triggered the inflammatory process.

The standard approach to treatment in this case is the use of local drugs with antibacterial and antifungal action, depending on the cause of the pathology. Systemic medicines are required only with immunodeficiency states or when the body is too weak, for example, after suffering a serious infection.

In addition to exclusively antimicrobial agents, combined medicines are produced, additionally including corticosteroid hormones. They effectively reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and have an antispasmodic effect, quickly stop the symptoms of the disease.

Local antibiotics in the form of drops with external otitis in adults:

Combined solutions with corticosteroids:

The last mentioned drops also have an antifungal effect due to the content of clotrimazole in them.

For antiseptic treatment of the external auditory canal, antiseptics such as Chlorhexidine and Miramistin are recommended. If the use of solutions is not effective enough, otolaryngologists advise that ointments with antibacterial or antifungal action should be placed in the affected ear:

When local treatment does not help, systemic antibiotics are prescribed:

Smoking symptoms of otitis (pain, fever, hyperemia) allows the reception of such funds:

At the stage of recovery, physiotherapy, UFO and UHF procedures are recommended.

Sometimes surgical treatment is required. Operative intervention is performed with limited external otitis, if the furuncle is not opened for a long time independently and pus accumulates in the cavity.