Draniki with mushrooms

Draniki (other names of shingles, deruny) - a traditional Belarusian dish, popular also in Russian, Eastern European and Jewish cuisines, are potato pancakes . Similar dishes are also known in Poland, Germany, Sweden, and other Baltic countries. Draniki are prepared from grated raw potatoes with the addition of eggs, flour, and sometimes other products.

The dish is prepared in a frying pan: fry in vegetable oil or bake on lard (this is much more useful than frying). Serve the draniki in hot form, with sour cream or bridle (melted lard with bacon), with a mache, you can, and just like that. However, they are tasty and cool.

Tell you how to make delicious and healthy pancakes with mushrooms. Mushrooms are better for using grown in artificial conditions or collected in places with normal ecology.

Potato pancakes with mushrooms



First we prepare mushrooms with onions. Finely chopped onions, let's save on fat in a separate frying pan, add finely chopped mushrooms, lightly fry everything together and protivoshim for 15-20 minutes (oyster mushrooms can not be blown out). In the dietary version, boil the mushrooms, and the bulb through a meat grinder or cut finely.

Peeled potatoes are rubbed on the grater, half on medium-large, and the other on medium-fine, so we make the texture more interesting.

We add flour, eggs and finely chopped dill to the bowl with the grated potatoes. You can add a little milk and grated carrots. We connect the potato mixture with onion-mushroom and mix (can mixer). Dough should not get too thick, if that, correct by adding another egg or milk (water).

Warm up a clean large frying pan and, planting a piece of fat on the fork, grease it. Using a large spoon, we move the portions of the dough into a frying pan, press it with a spatula and fry, first on one side, then on the other. Cooking on medium heat. It is possible for confidence in the willingness to hold the draniki for another 5 minutes under the lid, reducing the fire.

Finished garnish remove the spatula and put it on the dish. Before frying the next batch, grease the pan with lard. If you decide not to bake but to fry the pancakes in oil, it is better to use not sunflower, but melted butter or rapeseed, or other vegetable oils that do not burn. We serve pancakes with sour cream.

To make draniki more spicy, you can add dry ground spices (cumin, coriander, fennel, black pepper and red pepper) to the test.

You can cook more hearty and delicious pancakes with meat, mushrooms and cheese. Meat included in the test (see above) in the form of minced meat. For the preparation of stuffing, you can use pork, beef, chicken or make minced meat from different animals.

With cheese, you can do two things: either add grated cheese to the dough at once, or sprinkle each hot hot pancake, laid out on a plate, grated cheese. The latter option is more aesthetically pleasing, it turns out to be tastier and more useful, because cheese is not melted. If you immediately put grated cheese in a dough, the cooled draniki will be bad (similar to the taste of rubber). To keep the pancakes hot longer, place them in a ceramic pot with a lid.

By the way, another option: to cook simple potato pancakes and serve them with mushrooms, onion in sour cream, stewed in a pot - so is also very tasty. Under draniki you can serve a biting, bitter or berry tinctures, or berry wine.