Pea soup without meat

Soups without meat ingredients - this is a separate category, which is ideal for lean menus or for vegetarians.

Today we will consider with you how to cook pea soup without meat.

Pea soup without meat - recipe



Peas put in a colander, rinse it, pour it into a saucepan. Fill with the amount of water indicated above. We start to heat. In this case, foam will appear. We remove it with a ladle. If in addition to the noise in the ladle will get water, then add about the same amount in the pan. Once all the foam has been removed, put salt in a saucepan. Cook peas, stirring. Periodically check its readiness - press on a pea. If you can crush it, peas are ready. Usually it takes from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

Carrots and onions are cleaned, washed, crushed. Leek is mine and we also grind it. Passer these vegetables in a frying pan. Add to the peas, cook for about 5 minutes. At the end, sprinkle the soup with chopped cilantro.

Pea soup without meat in a multivark



Peas soaked in water, sprinkled with soda. Leek and carrots are prepared, and then we pass in the cup of the multivarka on the program "Zharka". We also prepare potatoes, cut them into cubes and send them to leeks and carrots. My peas. We put it together with adzhika in the bowl. Fill with boiling water. On the "Quenching" program, we prepare soup for 1 hour. A couple of minutes before cooking, sprinkle with oregano soup.

Pea soup puree without meat



Soak the peas. Ideally - at night, to get 8-10 hours, but you can and in the afternoon, 2-4 hours. Transfer the peas into a pot of water and cook.

Carrots and cauliflowers are cleaned, mine and large cut. Celery root is cleaned, washed, chopped. After 1 hour of cooking, we add carrots, celery and cauliflower to the peas. We cook for 20 minutes, and then we send it to a food processor or blender. Grind to full homogeneity. Return the soup to the pan. Solim, season with chopped finely mint and garlic and cook for 1-2 minutes. Then put a piece of butter in the soup.