How to put out the potatoes with chicken?

Once you feel the alluring aroma of the stewed potato stew with chicken meat, you will immediately be overwhelmed by an irresistible desire to certainly try this dish. We are absolutely convinced that you will enjoy the excellent taste of the dish as much as the flavor of this dish.

How delicious to put out the potatoes with chicken in the multivark?



Prepared chicken meat is divided into portion slices and browned them in vegetable without flavor oil in a multicastry, setting the device to the "Bake" or "Frying" mode. Now we lay carrots and onion bulbs cut with straw or cubes to a ruddy bird. Fry the contents for another five minutes, then add the tomato sauce, the prepared potatoes, peeling and dicing it, and pour the cleaned water, adjusting its amount in accordance with the preferred density of the prepared dish. Add also in the dish salt, ground pepper, favorite spices and we translate the device to the "Quenching" mode. Forty minutes later we throw the leaves of laurel and chopped garlic cloves and prepare the dish for another twenty minutes.

Before serving, we season the fragrant potatoes with chicken with fresh herbs.

How to put out the chicken with potatoes in a frying pan?



To prepare the dish in this case we need a deep pan with a thick bottom. We pour vegetable oil into it, warm it thoroughly and put into it the chicken cut into portions. You can take chicken legs or thighs entirely. When the meat gets a nice blush, we put prepared vegetables to it. Bulbs for this need to be cleaned and cut into quarters, and chop the carrots with small straws. Mix the meat with vegetables, cover the frying pan with a lid and eat the food on the fire slightly below average for fifteen minutes. After that, we add to the content the tomatoes and potato tubers, diced and diced, season the dish to taste with salt, freshly ground with a mixture of five peppers, bay leaves, and also savor favorite spices and, if necessary, pour a little cleaned hot water. Stew potatoes with chicken meat until soft, then add fresh herbs, stir and remove from heat.