Chondrosis and osteochondrosis - the difference

Do not think that chondrosis and osteochondrosis are one and the same, there is a difference between these diseases. Another thing is that these phenomena are very tightly connected, therefore, confusion arises in terminology. Let's try to figure out together how chondrosis differs from osteochondrosis.

Signs of chondrosis of the back

Osteochondrosis and chondrosis are very closely related. In medical terminology, only the designation of osteochondrosis is used, the so-called degenerative changes in the body of intervertebral discs, vertebrae, nerves and blood vessels. "Osteo" is translated from Latin - bones, "Chondro" - cartilage. That is why the first stage of osteochondrosis, when only the cartilaginous intervertebral discs are destroyed, and the vertebrae themselves are not yet affected, has been called chondrosis in the people. Here are the main signs of chondrosis:

Usually chondrosis is practically asymptomatic and can be detected during an X-ray examination, or MRI.

Signs of osteochondrosis of the back

Osteochondrosis progresses slowly and can be divided into four stages. The first and second of them are characterized by the symptoms of chondrosis. The third degree of osteochondrosis implies the appearance of protrusion of the cartilaginous disc body and the formation of hernias, which can damage the nerve endings, pain and numbness of the limbs. The bone tissue begins to crumble. Here are the most common symptoms of osteochondrosis of the 3rd degree:

To these signs can be added such symptoms as pain in the heart, nausea, impairment of brain activity.

The fourth stage of osteochondrosis is the most severe and in this The case of recognizing the disease is no longer difficult. It becomes difficult for a person to move independently, the disease affects bone tissue and nerve cells, the pains become regular and become intolerable.

In order that the chondrosis does not turn into osteochondrosis, you should pay attention to your spine:

  1. Follow the posture.
  2. Maintain moderate motor activity.
  3. Do not lift heavy loads.
  4. To eat food rich in collagen and calcium, to visit the sun for at least a few hours a month.
  5. Do not abuse alcohol, smoking and fast food.