Remedy for freckles

Very many women consider freckles an annoying skin defect. They appear with the advent of the spring sun and sometimes are very large. To date, there is no remedy for freckles on the face, which will permanently eliminate them. But there are many creams, masks and lotions that will help temporarily forget about this phenomenon.

Cosmetics from freckles

In any pharmacy you can buy such funds from freckles, like a cream:

They contain acids in high concentration, so they have an excellent whitening effect and act quickly, without harming the skin.

Very popular means for freckles are also:

Their action is aimed at increasing the stimulation of cell renewal and significantly accelerating the exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin with the remnants of melanin. They neutralize the receptors that are responsible for the production of melanin, and do not cause any adverse reactions.

Folk remedies for freckles

You can also use folk remedies for freckles. They perfectly bleach the skin and saturate it with useful substances. Assistant in the fight against freckles is parsley. Juice from this herb can wipe the problem areas or add it to the mask with fermented milk products.

Recipe for a sour milk mask


Preparation and use

Mix the juice of parsley and sour cream. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes and rinse with plain water.

Another effective remedy for freckles is a mask of fresh berries. It can be prepared from currants, strawberries, grapes or watermelon.

The recipe for a berry mask


Preparation and use

Stretch the berries to make a gruel, add water. Apply mask to face and after 15 minutes rinse with cool water.