Pumpkin in a microwave oven

Pumpkin is one of the most useful vegetables containing a lot of vitamins, so required by the body. Especially in the pumpkin is a lot of vitamin A, and most importantly - it is completely preserved when baking pumpkin. There are many delicious and useful recipes for pumpkin dishes in the microwave. It is these recipes that we want to share with you.

Pumpkin cooking in a microwave oven

Pumpkin can be cooked in different ways, the pumpkin recipes in the microwave are quite diverse. Each dish is interesting and tasty in its own way. Try each of the recipes, and you are sure to find something that you will like.

How to bake a pumpkin in a microwave?



Well wash the pumpkin, peel it from the peel and seeds, cut into small slices. Dishes for a microwave oven oil and lay a pumpkin in it. Sprinkle with sugar and sprinkle with water. Bake a pumpkin for about 12 minutes at 800 watts. Then add the raisins, sprinkle with cinnamon and leave in the microwave for another 3 minutes. When serving, sprinkle the pumpkin with a powder and decorate with mint.

Pumpkin pudding



Wash the pumpkin and peel it from seeds and peel. Cut into small cubes, fold into deep dishes and pour completely with water. Put the microwave in microwave for a boil, about 10 minutes. Mash well with hot water. Fill the millet in boiling water to the pumpkin and cook for about 7 minutes. With half an orange and a lemon, peel and finely chop. Milk warm up a little and pour into pumpkin and millet, then add cinnamon, vanilla, salt, sugar and crushed fruit peel. Cover the dishes with a lid and cook for another 6 minutes.

Pumpkin casserole in a microwave oven



Stir the egg with yogurt and cottage cheese. Extinguish soda with vinegar and add to the dough. Stir well, pour in the flour until a thin dough is obtained. Wash the pumpkin and remove the peel and seeds. Cut into small pieces or grate on a large grater. The dishes for the microwave oven should be slightly greased with butter and put a pumpkin into it. On top, pour all the prepared dough and send it to the microwave for 4 minutes in medium power mode.

Pumpkin in a microwave with honey

From the pumpkin, you can also cook porridges and bake with potatoes in the microwave. These dishes are very easy to prepare and do not require a lot of time.



Pumpkin seeds and peel. Cut into small cubes. Apples also clean and cut into cubes. Add flax seeds, sesame seeds and a pinch of vanilla. Cook the pumpkin in the microwave at maximum power for about 20 minutes. Cook the pumpkin a little and season with honey.

Baked pumpkin with potatoes in a microwave oven



Diced onion rings, fry on a small amount of butter in the microwave. Cut potatoes into mugs, season with salt and add to onions. Cook for about 25 minutes. Pumpkin peel and seeds, cut into small slices and add to potatoes and onions. Leave the dish in the microwave for another 7 minutes. Cut tomatoes, pepper, salt and put on top of the rest of the vegetables. Cover and bake for another 15 minutes.