Why are the lips cracking and how quickly to cope with the problem?

Why do your lips crack? This question is familiar to many of the fair sex. Some face the problem regularly, others - only in the cold season. But all without exception try to get rid of it as soon as possible. Better yet, if possible, warn.

Why Lips Cracks - Causes

Cracks appear due to many different factors. First of all, the reasons why the lips crack, you need to look for in weather conditions. Dryness, peeling and cracking of the lips are facilitated by such factors:

  1. Excessively dry air in winter and summer. When the skin is much wetter than it, some of the moisture evaporates, and the lips are covered with hated scales as a result.
  2. The skin actively dries with a strong wind - air currents blow moisture from its surface.
  3. The appearance of a crack on the lips causes may be preceded by such as frost or sun. And with too cold, and with too hot weather, moisture evaporates from everywhere. Including with a delicate skin on the lips.

The problem of why the lips dry and crack under adverse weather conditions is also the fact that the skin on this part of the face is very thin and a lot of capillaries pass through it. Because of this, through the area of ​​the lips, the moisture evaporates several times more than from any other part of the face and body. To make sure that the cause of cracks is exactly in the weather, you need to touch your cheeks. As a rule, under the influence of temperature or wind, they become rough.

But do not always blame the weather. The reasons why the lips crack, are also internal. The most common are as follows:

  1. Herpes. The carrier of this virus are 9 out of 10 people. Once in the body, it remains in it forever, but it will not cause harm. Pathogenic microorganisms are activated only when immunity decreases. Herpes manifests itself as eruptions in the form of bubbles on the lips, which eventually burst, and the contents of them wither, turns into a crust and crack.
  2. In some people, the lips crack and peel off in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Dry skin is considered a symptom of pancreatitis, dysbiosis, gastritis with high acidity.
  3. Iron deficiency anemia . Surface tissues receive a sufficient amount of blood at a normal level of hemoglobin in the blood. If it is less than normal, the epidermis loses nutrients, quickly dries and dies.

Often the lips ache and cracks in pregnant women during the first trimester, when toxicosis is actively developing. Cracks appear because:

There is also an explanation for why the lips of future mothers are cracking at later dates. The more the fetus becomes, the harder it is for a pregnant woman to move about. Many complain of the appearance of dyspnea. And to at least a little to facilitate breathing, pregnant women open their mouths. Hot portions of air quickly dry their lips, and they are covered with cracks.

Cracks in the corners of the lips - reasons

Especially unpleasant are snitching - cracks appearing in the corners of the mouth. An important factor of dryness in this case is the lack of vitamins in the body. Vitamins of group B , for example, are responsible not only for the skin, but also for the condition of the hair, nails. Therefore, with their lack of corners of the lips hurt and crack, hair grow dull, the nails become brittle. A lack of vitamin C leads to a weakening of immunity and peeling.

If the corners of the lips crack, the cause may also have a dental origin. Bacteria, because of which caries appear, settle not only on the teeth, but also on the lips. And while the diseased tooth is not put in order, the seizures will be formed again and again. There are other factors contributing to the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth:

  1. Incorrect bite is congenital, resulting from the wearing of braces or various dental processes. Because of this, the saliva outflow is broken, and the liquid accumulates where the lips are joined. The constant humidity in the corners of the mouth leads to a change in the protective flora and the formation of favorable conditions for the growth of fungal microorganisms.
  2. Licking lips. In this case, the epidermis loses its protective properties and becomes susceptible to fungi, viruses, bacteria.
  3. Diabetes. This disease affects most of the vital body functions. Including compliance with water balance. The fluid in the body becomes small, the skin dries, the lips crack.
  4. Allergies to cosmetics, food, toothpaste.

Why do your lips dry and crack?

The formation of wound is also affected by bad habits. Among other reasons why dry skin, lips crack, you can distinguish the following:

  1. Smoking. When in contact with paper, the skin tries to give its moisture to the dry material. Most suffer from heavy smokers who smoke constantly, in any weather.
  2. Spicy, salty, sour food. This food irritates the skin.
  3. Piercing. Through a hole, saliva enters the surface of the lips, and the epidermis dries much faster.
  4. Disrupted drinking regime. For lack of water in the body, the skin reacts first.

Cracks on the inside of the lip

Delivering discomfort wounds to the mucous lips - an alarming symptom. Often this way the cancer shows itself. Therefore, seeing that the lips are cracking, the reasons should be sought as soon as possible. Sores with discotheosis are similar to herpetic vesicles, but for oncology they do not heal for a long time. When the crack comes off, a small seal appears in its place, which increases with time and is covered with crusts.

Why does not the crack on the lip heal?

The wound on the delicate skin gives a lot of unpleasant sensations. If a crack on the lip does not heal for a long time, a person begins to feel oppressed. Some even develop nervousness. And to get rid of the problem, you need to understand why the lips are constantly cracking. The reason may be hidden in the anatomical feature - the presence of deep folds - or in the penetration of infection. If pathogenic microorganisms have entered the fracture, it will not heal without specific treatment.

Cracked lips - what to do?

To delay with treatment it is not necessary. Old deep cracks are much harder to treat and longer. If your lips regularly crack, you should choose for yourself such a therapeutic complex that will get rid of the wound and prevent its appearance in the future. It is also important to review your diet and lifestyle. You need to consume more vitamins, drink enough liquid. But it's better to give up alcohol and coffee.

Ointment from cracks on the lips

Local treatment for wound infections is most effective in most cases. Than to smear cracks on labiums? Here are the most popular tools:

  1. Effective care provides ointments based on calendula oil.
  2. If the inflammatory process has developed, you can treat the lips with synthomycin ointment.
  3. Helps get rid of cracks and Solcoseryl. This agent stimulates the restoration of tissues and has an anesthetic effect.
  4. Aevit is a nutritious complex in capsules. But it can also be used as an ointment. Just need to extract the contents of the pill and apply to the wound.

Cream from cracks on the lips

They act in much the same way as ointments: soften, heal, anesthetize, protect. The best cure for cracks on the lips:

Masks for the lips from cracks

The simplest recipe is to apply on the skin healing oil - calendula, karite, castor, wheat germ, sea-buckthorn, coconut, cocoa, olive - and wait until it absorbs. Until then, you can not lick your lips. Instead of oil you can use honey - a source of vitamins, an effective antiseptic. Apply honey mask as many times a day as you like.

Mask for the lips from peeling and cracks


Preparation, use:

  1. Ingredients to mix.
  2. The resulting mass is applied to the lips.
  3. You can use it instead of balm.

Lipstick for the lips from cracks

In no event can you buy lipsticks with mineral oils and petroleum jelly. They will only cover the skin with a film, but do not moisturize it. If the lips dry and crack, it is best to use a bee-wax and glycerin-based remedy. In case of severe dryness, it is recommended to use:

Cracked lips - vitamins

Even if the cause of the appearance of wounds is not in beriberi, the course of useful substances will not interfere. The best complexes:

But with the problem of a crack in the corners of the lips, treatment does not necessarily involve the use of medication. All the necessary vitamins can be obtained from food: