What kind of fixtures are better for a stretch ceiling?

Installing a stretch cloth on the ceiling, designers try to create, rather, a work of art, rather than just an object of interior, able to successfully hide all the irregularities and defects of the base ceiling. However, as you know, no such art object does not remain without good lighting .

There are many different lighting devices, the main task of which is simply to give light. However, what fixtures are needed for stretch ceilings is not known to everyone. In fact, to the choice of lighting in our case, there are special requirements. Therefore, in this article, we'll talk about which luminaires are best used as the main light sources on stretch ceilings.

What lights are suitable for stretch ceilings?

In this case, the main requirement that should be met when choosing lighting is to prevent overheating of the canvas. The coating membrane is very sensitive to overheating, therefore, when deciding which luminaires to choose for a stretch ceiling, you should choose those models of devices that do not allow for a strong heating of the film.

The most optimal option - point or recessed fixtures . They are economical, durable, easy to assemble and allow you to direct a beam of light in the right direction. On average, it is sufficient to place 1 halogen lamp with a power of up to 35 W per 1 m 2 in order to achieve the optimum level of illumination in the room.

For those who do not know what lamps are suitable for stretch ceilings, but wants to diversify the interior of the original hanging chandelier or a flat ceiling lamp, pre-ceiling light sources are ideal. They are located close to the ceiling, so they use special fluorescent energy-saving lamps that produce a minimum of heat.

Pendant lamps are a more classic option. They are fixed on the hook, which is hidden behind the canvas. In this case, if you choose which fixtures for your stretch ceiling is best, stop at those in which the plafond in the shape of a glass or horns is pointing down. Then the rays of light will dissipate and do not overheat the tension film.