
Through the tens of centuries before us, the quotations of the greatest thinkers about selfishness reach. And, despite the changes that our world has undergone, the sayings of the ancient philosophers still remain relevant. For example, a quotation of selfishness from the treatise of the great thinker Aristotle, who believed that egoism is not in self-love, but in greater than it should, the degree of this love. The theory of egoism contains many contradictions. Some people consider selfishness to be a virtue, a necessary quality for achieving happiness, others believe that selfishness brings only internal devastation. This contradiction can be clearly traced in quotations and aphorisms about egoism. Epictetus wrote that doing everything for oneself does not mean acting against the common good. Thackeray, on the other hand, believed that out of all vices that humiliate a person, selfishness is the most vile and despicable. The contradiction of the concept of egoism is emphasized in the aphorism of Ambrose Bierce: "The egoist is a man of bad taste, more interested in himself than with me." And here is a quote about the selfishness of Yermolova, in which the line between rational egoism and destructive self-love is traced: "Everyone does everything for their own sake. Only one at their own expense for others and otherwise do not want, and others for themselves at the expense of others and otherwise are not capable. "

"Healthy" and "sick" selfishness

Aphorisms not only reveal the essence of selfishness, they also emphasize the huge number of meanings that we put into the notion of selfishness. This question plays a big role throughout our life. Manipulating the concepts of selfishness and altruism, you can destroy the personality or cause active resistance to the suppression of his "I", and achieve absolutely the opposite result. From childhood we are taught that selfishness is a vice, and human nature has such a property as fear of appearing bad in the eyes of others. Thus, a tool for manipulation is ready. Either a person does what they want from him, or he is called an egoist. The child very quickly understands the mechanism of such manipulations, and depending on his personal qualities he becomes either a manipulator or a victim. Growing up, he continues to behave in accordance with the model of behavior developed in his childhood. Based on the laid-down notions builds relationships in the family, appropriately educates children. But what in the end? If the child becomes a manipulator, then it is a question of destructive egoism. He achieves his goals by using others, while not caring at all about their attitude towards his actions. Such people have no limits to selfishness, they are not concerned with the feelings of loved ones, and as a result they remain either alone or surrounded by people who hate it. If the child assumes the role of a victim, then most often he becomes an altruist, but not because of love for his neighbors, but because of fear of causing disapproval. Such people get into the network of manipulators, and spend their lives in a constant struggle between the feelings of guilt that they easily plant, and attempts to stop suppressing their personality. Such people can be submissive in the hands of manipulators, but getting into a society where no one is trying to control them, they subconsciously try to defend themselves, become angry and cruel.

So there is such a thing as the healthy egoism of a person. Such selfishness implies love for oneself and concern for oneself, but understanding and respect for others. Such egoists will never do anything to please the manipulator, but if they deem it necessary, they will sincerely help without waiting for approval and without fear of blame. Healthy egoism is compatible with altruism, but it does not inherent in sacrifice, which brings internal devastation. The altruism of the "victim" is to incur discomfort and suffering for the sake of others. Altruism of a healthy egoist implies pleasant acts for oneself and for others. A healthy egoist can be a manipulator and a victim, but only if they realize the inferiority of the previously adopted model of behavior. Moreover, the manifestations of egoism in men and women are just as different, and consequently, ways to combat selfishness will differ. Understand, how to get rid of female egoism will help understanding women's nature. How to deal with male egoism can be understood by examining the priorities of men. There is no single remedy for selfishness, because each person is individual and, consequently, everyone's egoism manifests itself in different ways. Some psychologists use special tests for selfishness to find out exactly what manifestations of selfishness are interfering with a person and how to correct them.

Do not completely get rid of selfishness. Healthy selfishness is necessary for a person for a full life and realization of his goals. To defend your choice and your opinion, but at the same time to respect and recognize the opinion and choice of other people is a distinctive feature of reasonable egoism.