Green tea with mint - good and bad

Green tea with mint - a fragrant and very tasty drink that has an incredible refreshing effect. It has a number of properties necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Benefit and harm of green tea with mint

Fragrant leaves since ancient times are used in recipes of traditional medicine, and then, the properties have been confirmed scientifically, so if you want to be healthy, be sure to include the drink in your diet.

What is useful for green tea with mint:

  1. Incredible aroma, as well as useful plant substances contribute to the normal operation of the nervous system, which makes it easier to transfer stressful conditions. It also helps with insomnia .
  2. Contained in the plant menthol allows you to recommend a drink in the treatment of colds. Tea relieves migraines and eases breathing.
  3. The benefits of green tea with mint can be assessed by people with problems of the heart and blood vessels, as it contributes to the normalization of pressure and the proper functioning of the heart.
  4. For women, the drink is useful because it helps to reduce pain during menstruation and menopause.
  5. The use of green tea with mint for weight loss is due to its positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, and also the drink contributes to a more complete assimilation of nutrients.
  6. Scientists have proven the property of mint tea - to lower the level of androgens, so women can take advantage of this to reduce hair growth in undesirable places.

Despite the large number of pluses, not all are recommended to drink green tea with mint. For men, such a drink is contraindicated in that it reduces the amount of testosterone in the blood, which affects negatively the excitability. Do not drink this tea pregnant, because the composition contains caffeine, as well as breastfeeding women, because of the negative impact on the production of milk.