How useful is a compote of dried fruits?

From what at any time of the year you can always cook compote? Of course, from dried fruits . Without thinking twice, you ask yourself a question about its vitamin value. After all, drinks from fresh fruit are more useful.

Considering the question of how useful a compote of dried fruits, it is worth mentioning its correct cooking. In order to preserve its curative properties, the drink should be cooked for no more than 25 minutes. It will not be superfluous to add various spices.

Are dried fruits useful?

Experts say that dried fruits contain more vitamins than in normal fruits and berries. In other words, it is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins. After all, in the process of drying them, they ripen. True, if they are dried correctly, they retain such substances beneficial to the body. It will not be superfluous to note that after eating five pieces of dried apricots, a person provides himself with a daily intake of iron, which positively influences the level of hemoglobin.

Is it useful from dried fruits?

To strengthen its immunity and help it resist viruses and infections, it is necessary to drink several glasses of this delicious drink every day. Talking about the usefulness of a dried fruit jug, it will be appropriate to say about its irreplaceable value for digestion. After all, the pectins that make up it help normalize metabolic processes and stimulate peristalsis. Also, this drug acts as a preventive tool for the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, compote from dried fruits displays cholesterol.

If we talk about each component in more detail, then:

  1. Prunes. Acts as an excellent means of destroying free radicals.
  2. Dried apricots. An indispensable medicine for people with a weak heart.
  3. Raisins. Helps protect the nervous system from overloading.

Caloric content of compote from dried fruits

If you prepare a compote without sugar, then its calorific value is 40 kcal. In the case of adding sugar - about 60 kcal per 100 ml.