Cranberries and cowberry - useful properties

On the beneficial properties of cranberries and cranberries is known since ancient times, they contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Siberian berries, of course, are useful, but, nevertheless, differ in their composition.

What is better than cranberries or cranberries?

There is no single answer to this question, since both these berries have a certain benefit and a rich chemical composition.

  1. Cranberries , unlike cowberries, grow on marshy soils, the berries themselves are large, dark red, they taste sourish, which is due to the record content of ascorbic acid . In its composition, cranberries are rich in such vitamins and trace elements as: B, C, there are a lot of iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium and other mineral compounds in it.
  2. Cowberry , in turn, is much smaller and sweeter, but in terms of mineral and vitamin composition it is not inferior to cranberries. Berries taste not only sweeter, but also have a slightly flat appearance - this is their main distinguishing feature from cranberries. Cowberry in its composition does not lag behind cranberries. It also contains a large number of vitamins B , C, nicotinic acid. The composition contains phosphorus, potassium, iodine, mineral salts and tannins.

Another difference of berries - ripening cranberries in late summer and early autumn, while the harvest of cranberries is usually collected in spring and autumn. It is important to remember that the spring harvest of cranberries, although sweeter, but the content of vitamin C is slightly less than that of the autumn harvest of berries.

Healing properties of cranberries and cowberry

The medicinal properties of these northern berries have been known since ancient times. Practically all medicinal recipes are taken from there.

Due to the record content of vitamin C and antioxidants, it is very often recommended that cranberries or cranberries are common for colds. Berries have antipyretic and antiviral effect, so it is useful for colds to drink cranberry or cowberry mors, make teas and make broths not only from berries, but also leaves of the plant.

Such drinks will help if you have long problems with bowel movement, so use them is recommended as often as possible, especially since they have pleasant taste qualities.

Cranberry or cranberries with cystitis

Doctors, with chronic and acute cystitis often recommend drinking a decoction of cowberry or cranberry. These berries have diuretic properties and remove toxins from the body. Due to anti-inflammatory properties, after the treatment with these berries, the walls of the bladder are strengthened, the liquid does not stagnate, and the products of the vital activity of pathogenic organisms are removed from the bladder, which facilitates the inflammatory processes, and then completely removes them.