Fighting ants in a greenhouse

The greenhouse is a great way to get your favorite vegetables earlier than when growing outdoors. Unfortunately, this method of obtaining a crop is associated with many difficulties, including the emergence of diseases and pests, which like the conditions of high humidity of the greenhouse. Often, truck farmers have to deal with and struggle with ants in the greenhouse.

No doubt, the ants bring and benefit, distributing humus and mineral substances along the site, and also producing loosening in the soil thanks to the laying of underground passages. But, at the same time, these insects eat sprouts and seeds of agricultural crops, as well as their fruits, causing significant damage. Then the only way out is to get acquainted with the methods of fighting the ants in the greenhouse.

Home remedies against ants in the greenhouse

Folk wisdom has collected many effective ways to fight the ants. For example, it is believed that these small insects do not tolerate the smell of mustard. Therefore, if the colony of ants in your greenhouse is small, try to intimidate them by scattering a dry seasoning powder on the surface of the earth.

Also, the struggle with ants in the greenhouse by popular means involves the use of various baits. It is known that insects accumulate where there is something sweet. Therefore, in a greenhouse, you can leave a jar full of water with honey , jam or sugar diluted in it. Attracted by sweet, the ants will drown in the tank. Another version of a similar trap is the wetting of dishcloths in diluted honey and placing them along the perimeter of the greenhouse. After a while, it only remains to destroy the pests and again to lay the lures in the greenhouse.

It is believed that ants do not tolerate the smell of carnation, mint and polynia, so near their holes can leave leaves of these plants. Among the means of fighting the ants in the greenhouse, the effect is demonstrated by such a substance as borax. It is poisonous to insects and therefore the borax is used as an ingredient for the preparation of toxic baits. For example, on sheets of paper or cardboard can be greased with a mixture obtained by mixing a few spoons of sugar, honey and hot water, then add one third of a tablespoon of borax. Having tasted such a substance, after a while the ants die.

Other means of combating garden ants in the greenhouse

In addition to popular methods in the arsenal of means against the ants are a variety of chemical drugs. However, in view of their virulence (not only for ants, but also growing seedlings), applications are indicated only in the case of a mass spread of the pest when it comes to the possible death of plants. Some of the most popular drugs are Muratsid, Muravin, Grom-2 or Muravied. All of them are made of an effective insecticide - diazinon, which damages the nervous system of insects, causes them paralysis. However, it should be noted that in addition to ants, the drug also has a harmful effect on other insects, such as bees.

In greenhouse conditions, you can use special gels, lubricating the perimeter of the site. Among them are the "Great Warrior", "House", "Clean House", "Kapkan" and others.

Mink, left by ants, some gardeners are flooded with aqueous solutions of formalin or carbofos. The chemical is diluted in water, based on a 1: 10 ratio.

Of the safer ways to deal with ants, you can advise the use of sticky traps. They are a sheet of paper with a layer of sticky glue applied. Passing through the traps, the ants are stuck. This method is suitable in the event that in your greenhouse a relatively small number of pests have been found and an anthill is not located nearby.