
The homeland of this beautiful plant is the American Tropics. In total, there are 4 different types of stromant, all of them belong to the family of maranthives.

It is a perennial plant with large beautiful leaves of unusual colors. The height of the bush reaches 60-80 cm, and the green leaves with pink and cream asymmetric stripes always turn to the sun. Depending on the variety, the height of the plant varies, the intensity of the coloring and the shape of the leaf.

How to care for the stromant?

The heat-loving plant of the stromant does not tolerate drafts and falls below 18 ° C, and also requires a certain humidity of air. The dry climate is categorically contra-indicated to him, therefore the terrarium or the florarium will be the best conditions of detention. The plant likes bright diffuse light, however, direct exposure to sunlight, especially in the spring and summer months, is undesirable. Sun protection and lighting are of great importance in the formation of the bush, unfavorable conditions of maintenance lead to a decrease in the size of the sheet and the loss of color. Windows facing east or west are the best places for a pot with this flower. If you use artificial lighting, the stromant requires a 16-hour light day under fluorescent lamps.

For irrigation, use well-kept soft water as the top layer of the soil dries up. Due to the fact that the stromant flower needs abundant watering, make sure that there is no waterlogging of the soil. The roots of the plant do not tolerate colds, the water for irrigation should be warm. To maintain the necessary humidity, daily spraying with warm water by fine spraying is necessary.

The pot for the stromant must be wide, because the bush will eventually grow. The depth of the pot is not critical. It is recommended to plant large bushes, dividing them into 2-3 parts without damaging the roots. To strengthen the plant and the subsequent appearance of new sheets, it is necessary to place the pots in a plastic bag, loosely tie it and leave it in a warm place.

Also, the stromant can be replicated in late spring by cutting off the top cuttings. A 7-10 cm long stalk with several leaves is placed in water and then cleaned in a mini-greenhouse. Within a month and a half, the first roots should appear and then cuttings can be planted in a peat substrate.

Diseases of the stromant

The most common problem encountered when keeping a plant is decay or wilting of the stems. The reason for such an ailment is too low a content temperature or an extremely high humidity. Due to the lack of watering, the leaves of the stromant can be covered with stains or curled, while the drying of the leaf ends and the acquisition of a brown shade indicate air dryness or plant damage by a spider mite. Unbalanced content of mineral substances in the soil also causes damage to stromant leaves.

In addition to improper care and conditions, pests such as whiteflies, spider mites, mealybugs or scabs can become the cause of bush diseases. The consequence of the appearance of pests can become spots on the leaves of brown or whitish. To combat them, you need to wash the plant with a soap solution and sprinkle it with a special composition.

Keep track of the stromant, ensure the right location and comfortable conditions, and then she will please you with the flowering and brightness of the coloring of the leaves in a magnificent beautiful bush.