Onion husks for garden or garden - application

People have long been growing various cultivated plants, vegetables, fruits and berries. For hundreds of years truck farming, this science has undergone great changes, and synthetic materials and poisons - much more effective and effective - have replaced traditional means. But many amateurs and now use in agriculture only natural substances, replacing chemicals with manure, grass infusions, humus. With them, you can be sure of safety for your plants, which you will eat.

One of these means for the garden and garden, protecting them from pests, is the usual onion husks. This is a very multifunctional substance with unique properties, which many beginners are not even aware of.

The use of onion husk in the garden and vegetable garden

The first aspect of using onion husks for the garden or garden is as a fertilizer. It contains in its composition the whole spectrum of micro- and macroelements that saturate the soil of your site with these substances and stimulates a good growth of plants. To fertilize the soil with onion husk, just add it to the ground when digging a site - it's best to do this under winter.

The second aspect is pest control, which is constantly being carried out in the garden and the garden. In the onion husks there is quartzetin - a substance with bacteriostatic activity (it is also a natural color, as it is known to use onion husks for staining). Once in the soil, quartzitin successfully fights with spores of fungi (including powdery mildew), which often infect crops, disinfect the earth.

Very effective husk against aphids, spider mites, plant bugs, thrips, mednyts, fruit flies. It is well influenced by its decoction on the larvae of the carrot fly, phytophthora, strawberry mite, it is effective bacteriosis of cabbage and radish.

So, let's find out how to use onion husks in the garden.

For this, prepare the infusion, the recipe of which is this:

  1. 200 g of dry, clean onion peel pour 10 liters of water (warm or hot).
  2. Infuse for 4-5 days.
  3. Strain.
  4. Add a few drops of liquid soap - this will make the solution more "sticky" to the leaves of plants, so it lasts longer and works better.

After you have filtered the broth, the remaining onion husks can be disintegrated under any berry bushes, if they are on your site - it will also benefit them. Infusion of husks is best to water the plants in the evening of the day when it was cooked. This will give you a guarantee of freshness and quality of such treatments, and the effect will not slow down: plants that are watered with a useful decoction grow faster, develop better and bear fruit longer.

With this solution, plants can be treated both for treatment and prophylactically. So, in order to prevent powdery mildew, cucumbers and other crops are sprayed with infusion of husks every 5 days, carrots and tomatoes - every 4 days. The same method should be used to combat common and beet aphids.

If the leaves of your zucchini or cucumber have begun to turn yellow, you can feed the plant is a useful decoction. For this, a couple of handfuls of husks are poured into two liters of water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Without opening the lid, the broth is cooled and then diluted with 10 liters of water. You can add 1 tablespoon of dry mustard. This solution is recommended to perform foliar top dressing, so that the foliage of your cucumbers becomes green again.

If you notice signs of infection with thrips on the onion peel, then you know: it can be used, but only necessarily boil. The larvae of the thrips die under the influence of boiling, and after that the use of onion husk in the garden is quite possible.

Do not throw onion husks from the onions - it is very useful and will save your garden from pests.