Doctor dietician Margarita Koroleva and her technique of losing weight

Many people try to get rid of excess weight by means of various diets. In order for kilograms to leave safely also, only proven methods should be used. For example, both women and men often say that the advice of a nutritionist Margarita Koroleva and her method of losing weight helped them lose weight. This meal plan has already become very popular, therefore, it can be used as one of the ways to kill extra pounds.

Tips dietician Margarita Queen

In order for the excess weight to become just a bad memory, in the opinion of this specialist, it is necessary to observe only a few rules:

On these principles, the methodology of Margarita Koroleva for weight loss is based. To observe them it is necessary and after application of a special diet with which it is necessary to begin process of dump of weight, according to this expert.

The advice of a nutritionist Margarita Koroleva will help you lose weight forever, without spoiling your health. Care should be given to all the recommendations of the specialist and carefully observe them. A person should understand that a diet is not a one-time action, it is a lifestyle. Therefore, the diet can not be changed much neither on holidays, nor during rest on the "all-inclusive" system.

Basics of the methodology of Margarita Koroleva

This diet lasts for 9 days. Every three days, the main set of products will change. But, before starting to implement plans for weight loss in life, you need to understand the basics of this method.

First, the diet is based on the principles of separate nutrition. Secondly, this method does not cause stress in a person, because the food will be quite tasty and familiar for any of us. And, finally, the whole diet is divided into 3 different stages.

The main thing, remember that in no case you can not include in the diet for 9 days, no other products. This completely negates all the results of weight loss. So a person will lose only time, but not kilograms.

Methods of losing weight Margarita Queen

As already mentioned above, the meal plan is designed for 9 days. The first three days will have to eat 250 grams of rice per day. Prepare it simply, you have to soak basmati for the night, then boil it in unsalted water (proportion 1: 2). For breakfast 1 glass is used, the rest is divided into 6 parts. Eat them before 19:00. It is allowed to use a couple of spoons of honey during this period. The volume of water to drink is at least 2 liters.

The second three-day period is protein. A person can sit 1-1.2 kg of chicken without fat and skin welded without salt. The volume of the liquid remains the same as in the first three days.

The last stage of the diet is vegetable. It is allowed to eat any vegetables, except potatoes. A person can afford to consume 400 grams of fresh and the same amount of steamed vegetables.

After completing this diet, you should eat the usual foods, but following the rules written above. That is, do not eat after seven in the evening, refuse to eat sweets and flour and eat it. The main thing is, do not make a cult out of food, otherwise the feeling of hunger will be unbearable, the psychological mood, the most important part of the diet.