International Mother's Day

For each person, mother is the most native, beloved and important person. It is she, kind, gentle, affectionate and caring, always worried about the health of her child, gets upset if left on the street without a hat, came home late or did not answer the calls for a long time. All our mother gives us the opportunity to live and enjoy every day, along the way separates with us sorrow and joy, protects us from all sorts of earthly adversities and comes into defense, no matter what.

Even in ancient times, many poets and artists passed on the beauty and charm of motherhood in their creations. In addition, today there is a more formal way to express admiration for this difficult and truly female "profession" - the annual holding of the International Mother's Day.

The idea of ​​holding such a bright holiday is to a large extent connected with the elevation of the role of mother not only in human life, but also in the development of society. After all, it is from the way a woman brings up her children that the future of the state, in which her family lives, depends. When the International Mother's Day is celebrated, it is impossible to say exactly, because every year the date changes. Therefore, in this article we will tell you on which of the days of the year you need to congratulate your mother or accept congratulations from your beloved children.

What is the date of the International Mother's Day?

This touching and pleasant holiday has its long history. The tradition to celebrate Mother's Day was widespread in ancient Greece and Rome . Greeks have long esteemed the goddess Gaia - the mother of all life on Earth, and in one of the spring days worshiping her. The Romans dedicated to glorifying the mother of all their patrons - Cybele, for three whole March days (March 22-25). Englishmen three centuries ago, on the fourth Sunday of Lent , according to the decision of King Henry III, celebrated "Mamino Sunday". On this day, all the children who earned their own money while serving in rich families, were supposed to come to the parents' house with gifts and presents. Then, in the 1600s of the 17th century, the English Mother's Day was equated with the official holiday, therefore, to leave work and visit mother, everyone could ask the host for a day off.

The history of the modern International Mother's Day was born in the USA. May 7 in 1907 in West Virginia, a little unknown, a devout old lady named Mary Jervis prematurely passed away. The whole world would not know about this event, if not for the daughter of the deceased - Anna Jervis. Burying her mother, the girl decided that the usual church memorial service for the deceased is not quite enough. Exhausted by grief, the daughter wanted every mother in the world to have her memorable day of the year, which can be dedicated to communication with children and relatives. Then, with the support of like-minded people, desperate Anna sent many letters to many state institutions and authorities, asking them to devote only one day to honoring their mothers.

After three years of such active activity, the idea of ​​Anna Javers finally turned into reality. And in 1910, the American authorities decided to approve the International Mother's Day, the celebration date of which fell on the second Sunday in May.

Today, it's time to congratulate your moms on this holiday, to thank them for sincere love, devotion, kindness and care, to give flowers, pleasant gifts, kisses and warmest embraces. Also, in honor of the International Mother's Day, men congratulate their wives for their joy in being a dad. Particularly active initiators on this day arrange all kinds of concerts, themed evenings and exhibitions.