Why not give a towel?

Everyone likes to present gifts, and some even more like to receive them. Since a long time, many people are worried about the question: is it possible to give a towel? It would seem that a good bath towel or a set of small kitchen towels is an excellent gift, and a very necessary thing in everyday life. Why give a towel, and why many consider this a bad sign, we'll try to figure it out.

Why not give a towel?

It is believed that any object that is transmitted in some way to a person carries within it its own energy. According to a sign, giving a towel is a bad sign that can lead to quarrel, illness, strife in the family and between close people. And this is due to the ancient customs in funeral rites in which this object played not the last role.

For example, on a fence near the house of the deceased person a towel was hung, so that everyone passing by could express their condolences. On the towels, the coffin was lowered into the grave, and the doors were tied to them, when they took the deceased from the house.

Because of such traditions, people began to be afraid to give a towel, and in fact it, among other things, is a symbol of the road and stay on the road.

Do they give towels in our time?

In our time, we know that such a thing participates in the most favorable events, such as: a wedding (when young people are served bread and salt on a towel), the birth and baptism of a child (when a child is wrapped in a carpet). He is also given to many for his birthday , wedding, etc.

In addition, for each ritual, in the old days, special patterns were embroidered on towels, patterns that symbolized either loss, sadness, or vice versa, joy and merriment. Accordingly, they carried a certain energy. The usual bath towel, which we can buy in the store, does not carry any hidden meaning and is not capable of causing harm.

As you can see, if we compare ritual towels with modern towels, then the question of whether it is possible to give towels in general is not so relevant in the modern world.