Diffuse nontoxic goiter

Goiter - a disease of the thyroid gland. Identified at an early stage, it can be safely cured.

Non-toxic single-site and multinodular goiter - what is it?

Diffuse non-toxic goiter called an increase in the thyroid gland, triggered by a diffuse proliferation of tissue organ. The problem can appear both at normal, and at lowered or raised or increased function shchitovidki.

What are the degrees of diffuse non-toxic goiter?

Specialists distinguish several basic degrees of diffuse goiter. They are determined depending on how much the thyroid gland has increased visually and is it palpated:

  1. With zero degree of goiter there. The size of the thyroid gland is normal.
  2. With diffuse non-toxic goiter of degree 1, the enlarged organ is palpated when palpated. But while the neck is in a normal position to consider an increase in thyroid gland is impossible. Most often this condition is diagnosed with ultrasound of the thyroid gland .
  3. The most difficult degree of goiter is the third. At this stage, an enlarged thyroid gland can be considered even when the neck remains in its normal position.

Depending on the degree of nontoxic goiter, the symptoms of the problem may change:

  1. Zob of zero degree can be accompanied by increased nervousness and excitability. In some people, working capacity decreases and tachycardia develops. Most patients are already losing weight at this stage.
  2. At the first degree of the disease, the above symptoms remain and become more pronounced.
  3. In the second stage, serious problems with the cardiovascular system, liver damage are attached to all signs of the disease. Part of the patients during this phase also have mental disorders.

Treatment of goiter can be medicamentous and surgical. Its main goal is to normalize the size of the thyroid gland.