Subcutaneous pimples on the chin

Any rashes bother us and spoil the appearance, but especially problematic are subcutaneous pimples on the chin, and generally on the face. Not only that the red inflamed zones do not look aesthetically pleasing, they also mature for a long time, causing anxiety for several days, or even weeks. In addition, such pimples are poorly treated and often leave behind scars, which can only be removed using laser resurfacing and other complex and expensive cosmetic procedures.

Internal pimples on the chin

The cause of such acne is the occlusion of the ducts of the sebaceous glands and, as a consequence, their inflammation, which we observe in the form of red tubercles. Since the most fat skin on the face in the area of ​​the t-zone (forehead, nose, chin), then, as a rule, it is in this zone most often and appear such pimples. Also, such a problem can often be a symptom of a metabolic disorder and any diseases.

Among the most common causes of the appearance of subcutaneous pimples are the following:

How to get rid of pimples on the chin?

If acne in the region of the chin appears regularly enough, then this is an occasion to ponder and approach their treatment in a comprehensive manner. But first you need to remember a few simple rules that will help prevent further development of the problem.

  1. First of all, remember that squeezing such pimples on the chin, even if they are already ripe and purulent, is not recommended, since after that, unsightly scars and scars may remain.
  2. Try not to touch your face with dirty, unwashed hands, because you can add an additional infection.
  3. Do not use rough scrubs and peelings in problem areas, this increases the likelihood of additional irritation and rashes on the skin.

Treatment for pimples on the chin

Proper skin care with the regular use of soft cleansers and disinfectants. It is very good to use as a means for washing tar soap . For preventive purposes, it is recommended to wipe the skin with diluted lemon juice (juice half a lemon on a glass of warm boiled water).

For washing it is best to use decoctions of such herbs as chamomile, calendula, celandine. You can also make lotions with broths of herbs on inflamed patches.

When subcutaneous acne on the chin appears, ozone therapy and darsonval are effective.

In case of a serious skin lesion, you need to contact a dermatologist who will help you choose ointments and antibiotics to fight the infection.