Rassolnik with perlovka in the multivark

Dishes cooked with the help of multivarks come out especially tasty. How to prepare rassolnik with pearl bar in a multivark, you will learn by reading this article.

Rassolnik with perlovka in multivark - recipe



Chop onion milletly, grind the carrots. Spread the vegetables in the multivark. Pass the vegetables, choosing the "Baking" mode. Then add crushed cucumber pickles, tomato paste, mix and cook for another 5 minutes. Then we lay out the cut potato chips, washed with a pearl barley. Fill all this with broth, pour in brine. We cook 1.5 hours in the "Soup" or "Quenching" mode. We serve rassolnik to the table with sour cream, pritrasiv melenko chopped greens.

Rassolnik in the multivark with pearl bar and chicken



First, we'll steam up the barley. For this, we rinse the groats, place it in a bowl and send it to the microwave for 10 minutes, putting out the maximum power. Chicken fillet washed, cut into pieces and boiled after boiling for about 30 minutes. Then the broth merge. Grind the onion. In a multivarious container we pour in the vegetable oil, we lay onions and we pass it to the redness. Grind the peeled carrots and send them to the onions. Fry all together until soft. We pour in the brine and in the "Quenching" mode, we prepare 10 minutes. Now add the crushed cucumbers, mix and cook for 5 minutes. Now put the ready-made pearl barley, chicken, potatoes sliced ​​into pieces, pour in broth, and cook for 1 hour in the "Soup" mode .

Lenten rassolnik with perlovka in the multivark



We cut a small cleared onion, we pass the carrot through a grater. Sending vegetables to multivarochnoy saucepan, pour olive oil, add spices, mix and in the "Baking" mode, we prepare 15 minutes. Then we prepare the rest of the products - we wash the rump, cut the potatoes with small cubes. Cucumbers cut into semicircles or cubes. Then we put everything in the multivark to fry, add the tomato paste. Next, we pour in the right amount of water, based on how much you want to get a thick salting solution, add brine from cucumbers and cook for 1.5 hours in the "Quenching" mode. Approximately a quarter of an hour before the end of the program, we add salt, bay leaves, brine to taste, and let the rest of the time be ready. Bon Appetit everyone!