What is the purpose of Piracetam and what to expect from the drug in different cases?

Before taking this drug, patients are trying to find out what Pyracetam is for. Such a drug is very common in medical practice. It is widely used in neurology and psychiatry. Given the indications for the use of this medication, it should be in the first-aid kit of practically every person of advanced age.

Pyracetam - composition of the drug

This nootropic agent consists of the main active ingredient and auxiliary ingredients. Depending on the form in which Piracetam is produced, the composition may differ slightly. Produce this drug in these forms:

Piracetam - injections

The injection solution is released in ampoules. Each of them contains 5 ml of the drug. Piracetam is sold in packages containing 10 ampoules. The injection solution is a colorless or slightly yellowish liquid. In addition to the main active ingredient, Piracetam in ampoules also contains auxiliary substances:

Piracetam - tablets

Outwardly, these are large pills of white or yellowish color. In addition to the main component of the same name, Piracetam tablet formulation has this:

Piracetam - indications for use

Assign this drug for various health problems. Pyracetam testimony is extensive. In neurological practice, he is appointed in such cases:

This is why Piratsetum is appointed in psychiatry:

In narcological practice Piracetam is used in such cases:

Prescribe this medication even to children. In pediatrics it is used when:

How to take Piracetam?

All appointments should be done by the doctor. Pyracetam application has a special. Tablets or capsules should be taken before or during consumption of food. The daily rate should be divided into several methods. To prevent problems with sleeping, take the drug should be before 5 pm. If an injectable solution is prescribed, injections are given intravenously or intramuscularly. Sometimes the drug is administered drip.

Do not take this medication with alcohol at the same time. A 12-hour interval should be maintained. If Piracetam is prescribed to relieve a hangover, before starting therapy, you need to prepare the patient's body:

  1. Restore the water balance.
  2. With Aspirin, eliminate the headache.
  3. Purify the body of toxins (for this activated charcoal is used).

Piracetam - dosage

This drug is used according to the standard scheme:

  1. The recommended daily dosage of tablets and capsules for an adult is 1200 mg. This amount of drug should be taken for 3 admission. In the absence of the expected result, the daily dosage is increased to 3200 mg. With the onset of improvement, the amount of the drug decreases to 400 mg. In some cases, therapy lasts several months, and sometimes even six months, followed by a reduction in dosage. Drug can not be abruptly abolished!
  2. If Piracetam is given to a child, the dosage is prescribed significantly less than that of an adult. Babies from 1 to 5 years can take 800 mg per day (divided into 4 divided doses). Children older than the daily dosage increases to 1200-1600 mg. The recommended duration of therapy is 3 weeks.
  3. Piracetam is administered intravenously, starting with small doses (3-4 g). After 1-2 days the daily rate increases to 5-6 g. With positive dynamics, the patient is prescribed Piracetam in tablets. The maximum duration of injection therapy is 10 days.

Pyracetam - side effects

The drug as a whole is well tolerated by patients. However, some piracetam has side effects. Observe such negative reactions of the body:

If Piracetam 400 is taken in large amounts, it can cause such adverse reactions:

Piracetam - contraindications for use

Although this drug is often prescribed in medical practice, there are a number of conditions in which the use of this drug is prohibited. Piracetam contraindications has these:

Pregnancy is also included in the list of contraindications to the appointment of Piracetam. According to the manufacturers of this drug, the drug through the placenta enters the body of the crumbs and accumulates in its brain. In the future, this can lead to a nervous breakdown of the baby. However, in practice this drug is still used. It is prescribed in cases where the threat to the health of the mother is much higher than the risk to the fetus.

There are also a number of conditions in which taking this medicine should be under the strict supervision of a doctor. Depending on what the preparation is prescribed for Piracetam, its dosage can be adjusted. Such situations include the following cases:

Piracetam - analogues

This drug is dispensed in pharmacies according to the doctor's prescription. Self-treatment is forbidden to them! The drug Piracetam has many analogues on the mechanism of action on the body: