Heart Rate - Normal

An important indicator of the state of human health is the pulse rate whose norm can be different for everyone. Fluctuations in the walls of the arteries reflect the state of the heart, the vascular system and its deviations.

Normal heart rate

Heartbeats in everyone can be different. To find out the pulse inherent in yourself, you need:

  1. Measure it in the morning, rising from the bed.
  2. Measurement is performed on the wrist from the inside.
  3. Finding the point, count the number of oscillations made within thirty seconds.
  4. The resulting value is doubled.
  5. To find out the true value, you need to repeat the measurements three days in a row.

The normal pulse rate of an adult is 70 beats per minute. This value can range from 60 to 80 strokes. As you mature, the heart weakens, and the number of vibrations may increase. In persons over sixty, a normal pulse is considered to be up to 80 strokes.

The heartbeat becomes more frequent when a situation arises that requires intensive supply of organs with blood. This can happen during physical exercises, stressful situations, after taking a significant amount of food. Maloactive lifestyle and the presence of excess weight adversely affect the health of the heart muscle.

The cause of rapid heart rate may be high fever during illness, pressure changes, adrenaline rush.

The pulse can be consumed by drinking alcohol, caffeine. Often the deviation of heart fluctuations from the norm indicates a deficiency of vitamins and an unbalanced diet.

How to reduce the heart rate?

If you notice a constant increase in heart rate that occurs for no apparent reason, you need to see a doctor. Since this can indicate the presence of heart problems.

If a nervous pulse or a stressful situation has led to a rapid pulse, then to restore it, it is necessary to eliminate the action of an external irritating factor. You can take a walk or go in for sports.

Normalize the pulse can be using breathing exercises . Slowly inhale the air for five to ten bills and also slowly exhale, counting to five.

To keep the pulse normal it is enough to follow such recommendations:

  1. Dump existing extra pounds and go in for sports.
  2. Exclude fast food and include in the diet more products of plant origin.
  3. Refuse bad habits and reduce the intake of heart-energizing substances (caffeine, soda).