Vasodilator drugs for headache

A common cause of headache is a disorder of cerebral circulation. Tightening, the vessels cause spasm and severe pain. If such pains bother you constantly, you need to undergo qualified treatment. And with episodic manifestations of a headache, vascular drugs will help you.

Why do you have spasms and a headache?

If severe and regular headaches are accompanied by noise in the ears or rapid fatigue, most likely you have impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. First of all, this is due to the appearance of spasms, which can be caused by a number of reasons. These include:

Vasodilator drugs for headaches will help you get rid of discomfort and prevent the dangerous consequences associated with various vascular diseases.

How do vasodilator drugs work?

Vasodilator preparations for the head reduce the tone of the vascular stenochki. It is because of this that the lumen of the vessel increases, and all manifestations of the headache disappear. Depending on the type of active substances, drugs of this group have a direct effect on the smooth muscle of the vesicles, inhibit calcium channels or activate imidazoline receptors. Depending on the mechanism of action, they are divided into three types:

In addition, such drugs for the removal of headaches can be antispasmodics, which contribute to lowering blood pressure. All of them also have a miotropic mechanism of action. But in some cases, patients are prescribed sedatives along with them.

Effective vasodilator drugs

Currently, there is a huge number of drugs that relieve headaches. Very effective in the fight, even with strong pain, the pharmacological group of spasmodic-statins:

In addition to these drugs, help improve blood flow, oxygen supply the brain and expand blood vessels:

All these vasodilators can be taken not only with a headache that appears from time to time, but also for the treatment or prevention of atherosclerosis, aneurysm, pathology of the brain arteries and other vascular diseases.

If you want to take vasodilator pills for headaches, but do not want to sign up for a consultation with a doctor, you It is worth buying drugs of this kind that are dispensed without a prescription. These include:

Some of them have side effects and are contraindicated in problems of the gastrointestinal tract. But, in general, they can be taken even during pregnancy, and the therapeutic effect after taking a sensible after 5-10 minutes.