Homeopathy Esculus - indications for use

Escolus is a one-component homeopathic preparation, which is made on the basis of horse chestnut. In Homeopathy, Escolus is released in the form of granules (C3, C6, C12, D3) and drops for oral administration, in the form of an external ointment on a vaseline-lanolin base, and also in the form of rectal suppositories. All drug forms of the drug have the following properties:

Indications for the use of Escolus in homeopathy

The drug in question can be administered in the following pathologies:

The form of release, dosage, multiplicity and duration of reception are selected individually by a specialist homeopath.

What type of patients are indicated for the appointment of Escus?

Although a clear type of patients for whom Esulius treatment is most rational is not defined, a number of features of people are identified, which it is more desirable to prescribe. These features include: