Discirculatory brain encephalopathy - treatment

Discirculatory brain encephalopathy is a disease that occurs as a result of slowly progressive impairment of cerebral circulation. Such an ailment is manifested by a combination of violations of cognitive functions and disorders of the emotional and motor spheres. In the absence of treatment, this disease leads to a cerebral infarction.

Basic principles of treatment of dyscirculatory encephalopathy

If the patient is diagnosed with discirculatory brain encephalopathy, the treatment should be aimed at improving microcirculation and protecting the nerve cells from ischemia and hypoxia. Most often, the patient is prescribed antihypertensive and hypoglycemic drugs, which are selected individually.

If the discirculatory brain encephalopathy high cholesterol , for the use of drugs that reduce them. It can be:

It is also necessary to use medicines that improve cerebral hemodynamics. These include:

You can treat discirculatory brain encephalopathy with such drugs as Lucetam or Pyracetam. They have a neuroprotective effect, that is, they help the neurons to function normally in conditions of chronic hypoxia. In cases where the disease is caused by a narrowing of the lumen of the internal carotid artery or is characterized by rapid progression, surgical treatment is indicated.

Auxiliary therapy for dyscirculatory encephalopathy

One drug therapy of a positive effect with discirculatory encephalopathy can be achieved, but it will not be long. How, then, to consolidate the result? And whether it is possible to cure dyscirculatory encephalopathy of the brain once and for all? Completely get rid of the symptoms and consequences of this disease can be through a combination of medication and auxiliary methods, such as:

The prognosis depends entirely on the stage of this ailment. To keep the patient's ability to work is possible only at the first stage of this disease, if he gets adequate medication for discirculatory encephalopathy on time and will follow a special diet.