At the child hair drop out - what to do or make?

Hair is lost - both adults and children. It's not scary, if it's the norm - they are updated. But when a small man has this physiological process intensively, then, naturally, any mom begins to worry. Is there something wrong with the crumbs? Let us discuss below why the hair falls out in children.

If this problem occurs in infants, when they still have lanugo - pushkovye hairs, then this is the norm. The crumb is mostly lying, so gentle curls roll out, fall out and appear bald patches. The kid does not need treatment. Soon your baby will grow a good head of hair.

Should the hair fall out of the child at an older age? Physiological norm, when the children lose them in 4-5 years. For some, this may happen a little earlier or a little later. What is the reason for this? During this period, hormonal changes in the body are observed. As a result - children's hair is replaced by adult hair. If a child is only 3 years old and his hair falls out, what should I do? Most likely, your baby's process of rebuilding the body began earlier. But in order not to worry, consult a doctor.

Causes of abnormal hair loss

Violation from the norm, or allopecia, can occur in such cases:

  1. After a severe viral infection, babies can lose a lot of hair within 1-3 months. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the treatment. As a rule, hair is restored quickly and completely.
  2. Focal alopecia is the most serious problem. This is when the hair of the child falls out clumps. On the head of the baby there are foci of round form without hair. The first thing that is necessary is to make a visit to a dermatologist or trichologist. And to consult a doctor more efficiently, you can go through some preliminary tests: a general blood test, and it is important to conduct a study at the level of hemoglobin, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, a study for antibodies to parasites.
  3. Fungal infection of the scalp. To check or exclude this unpleasant diagnosis, you need to contact the dermatovenerologic dispensary and there to microscopy for the presence of fungus in the focus of hair loss.
  4. Trichotillomania - the problem is due to the fact that the baby himself plucked his hair. The reason of neurological nature, arises as a result of mental traumas, stress. You need to contact a neurologist - he will definitely help your baby.
  5. Emotional stress is also a common cause of hair loss. This may be due to the fact that your baby went to the nursery, changed kindergarten or school, etc. In this case it is better to contact a child psychologist.
  6. Tracheal alopecia, when the hair is physically pulled from the head. It is more common for girls when their mothers or grandmothers make tight haircuts (tails, pigtails).
  7. Lack of substances useful to the body, as a rule, zinc, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B.

What should I do if my child has strong hair loss? Do not seek advice from grandmothers, who in such cases often recommend rubbing the baby's head with onions or garlic. This can only worsen the situation. Refer to specialists - they will help you. If you yourself can not determine the cause of the problem, then contact the pediatrician, and he will already refer you to the right doctor.

Thus, we found out why a child has hair and what to do to help him as soon as possible.