The child has increased alkaline phosphatase

Your child became ill, and the doctor prescribed a general blood test. According to his results, it turned out that the blood of a child has increased the level of alkaline phosphatase. Parents, of course, immediately ask themselves what alkaline phosphatase is responsible for and what is the indicator at all.

What does alkaline phosphatase show?

Alkaline phosphatase is a group of enzymes contained in almost all tissues of the human body. Most alkaline phosphatase is found in bone tissue, osteoblasts, bile ducts. The main volume is accounted for by the intestinal mucosa. Alkaline phosphatase is produced by the surface layer of the intestinal mucosa, but it participates only in the digestion processes for a second time. The main function of alkaline phosphatase is the cleavage of phosphoric acid, which is necessary for the body, from various organic compounds. This enzyme also facilitates the transport of phosphorus throughout the body.

The following content of alkaline phosphatase in children is considered normal:

The rates of this enzyme in the blood serum may differ slightly depending on the methods of research and the reagents used.

In pediatric practice, the alkaline phosphatase activity test plays an important role in the diagnosis of liver disease, accompanied by a decrease in bile flow to the duodenum. In this case, alkaline phosphatase in the blood of a child is often increased. The highest level of phosphatase occurs when there is a violation of the outflow of bile because of stones in the bile duct or in tumors of bile ducts. In addition, with elevated alkaline phosphatase in a child, the doctor can also put such diagnoses:

Of great importance is the indicator of alkaline phosphatase in children for early diagnosis of rickets. In this case, the enzyme activity rises long before the clinical symptoms of the disease appear.

Sometimes there is a physiological, that is, natural, increase in the level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood serum: in premature infants or in adolescents during their puberty and intensive growth of bone tissue.

When taking drugs that have a hepatotoxic side effect, the level of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase in a child can also be elevated. These drugs include paracetamol, penicillins, sulfonamides, erythromycin and many others. With an increased metabolism in bone tissues during the splicing of bone fractures, the level of this enzyme is also often elevated.

Lowering the level of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase is not of significant clinical significance. Reduction in the level of the enzyme can be with various violations of bone growth, lack of food in zinc, magnesium, vitamins C and B12, with anemia and hypothyroidism, in rare cases of hereditary hypophosphatase.

How to reduce alkaline phosphatase?

In order for the indicator of alkaline phosphatase level in the child to come back to normal, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, and not just to adjust this level to the norm.

In children, the activity of alkaline phosphatase is always higher than in adults. In some cases, increased activity of phosphatase is the only sign of malignant liver disease. Therefore, it is so important to do all the necessary clinical studies and start treatment of your child on time, which will lead to its speedy recovery.