Infanrix Hex

To vaccinate children must be approached very responsibly, because only on the parents depends on when and what, and most importantly, whether to vaccinate at all. For a child up to one year of the vaccination calendar, 14 vaccinations must be made. This number can be reduced through the use of certain vaccines, because instead of the usual DTP vaccine , you can use Pentaxim , Infanrix or Infanrix Hex. Very often parents rely on the doctor's advice, without knowing the characteristics of each of these vaccines. Therefore, in this article, we will study in more detail the composition of the vaccine for Infanriks Gexa vaccinations and possible complications after vaccination with this drug.

Infaxx Hex: what is it?

Infanrix Hexa is a multicomponent vaccine. She vaccinates at once from six dangerous viral diseases: pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and hemophilia infection. This vaccine, like DTP and Pentaxim, is tossed into the upper thigh by a dose of 0.5ml.

Due to the fact that the composition of Infanrix Hex contains less antigens and the pertussis component is purified (cell-free), there are practically no reactions after vaccination.

This vaccine is used at the request of parents, so they buy it for vaccination on their own in pharmacies. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer of the vaccine, because Infanrix Hexa, produced in Belgium, has fewer side effects than that made in France.

Hexa's infarix: complications

Compared with the DTP vaccine containing the whole pertussis component, after the vaccination of Infanrix Hex, the child shows minimal possible reactions:

But more often, after the vaccination of Infanrix Hex, the child quickly calms down, the temperature does not rise at all, for the rest of the day the baby remains in a good mood.

How to properly vaccinate Infanrix Hex?

To develop good immunity against poliomyelitis, hepatitis and hemophilic (Hib) infection, pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria, it is necessary to adhere to a certain interval between vaccinations and recommendations regarding the choice of vaccines for them.

Starting vaccination with Infanrix Hex, you must adhere to another vaccination calendar:

Infanrix Hexa: Contraindications

Like any vaccine, Infanrix Hex is not recommended to do if your child:

And, of course, before getting vaccinated, you should be examined by a doctor, since you can only vaccinate an absolutely healthy child.

The DTP vaccine forms immunity against deadly infectious diseases, so it is desirable to do it, but parents are usually scared by possible reactions to it (temperature, swelling, convulsions, tearfulness). Parents who want to protect their baby from unnecessary injections and unpleasant complications, choose for vaccination Infanrix Hex.