Prophylaxis of flat feet in children

Flattening is one of the most common problems with children's legs. And, despite seeming harmlessness, this problem is very serious. Running flat feet is fraught with problems with different parts of the spine, pain in the back and neck, joint diseases. Like any illness, flatfoot is easier to prevent than cure. Therefore, it is important not to be lazy, but to give due attention to the prevention of flat feet in children, starting from the very first days of life.

In order to keep the baby's legs healthy, you need to do a general restorative massage from the very birth, spend enough time outdoors and get advice from a neurologist in order to exclude neurologic abnormalities, which can also cause flat feet.

You need to worry about choosing the right shoes to prevent flat feet in the child. Shoes for the first steps should be made of natural materials, light and comfortable, with a hard back and a fairly flexible sole. Also in the correct shoes there is always a supinator and a small heel (not more than 1.5 cm). Separately it is worth mentioning how to choose the right size of shoes for a child. Very often mothers act on the principle of "big - not small", not thinking that too much shoes can also hurt the legs of the baby. The optimal stock of insoles for winter footwear is 1.5 cm, and for summer shoes - 0.5 cm.

A set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet:

1. In a sitting position on a chair:

2. When walking:

3. In the standing position:

It is also useful to climb up and down the gym wall, walk on a gymnastic log, or simply stand on a gymnastic stick, rolling with your feet.

Such a simple gymnastics to prevent flat feet, held with the child will save him from this unpleasant problem.