Scarlet fever in children - prevention

Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease, which is most common in children. The causative agent of scarlet fever in children is beta-hemolytic streptococcus, but in general all the main manifestations of scarlet fever, the symptoms by which it is determined, are due not to this bacterium itself, but to the toxins that it releases into the blood. These symptoms include a sharp rise in body temperature to 38-39 degrees, sore throat, headache, a general feeling of weakness, and the appearance of a small pinpoint rash. According to these signs, the doctor will easily identify scarlet fever and prescribe a cure, but after all, most parents are interested in how to protect the baby from scarlet fever, because the prevention measures are much more pleasant than the treatment itself. So let's figure out what the possibilities of preventing scarlet fever in children are.

Prevention of scarlet fever in children

Measles for preventing scarlet fever are not so many and most of them are solely in the right way of life.

How is scarlet fever transmitted to children?

Since scarlet fever is a disease that is transmitted by airborne and contact-household ways, it is quite difficult to save from this disease a child who visits a kindergarten or school, because everything depends on the care of other parents who also need to notice signs of disease in time your child. But for the prevention of one of the most effective means is the use of drugs of bacterial origin. For example, this is a complex of antigens-lysates. It is these bacteria that are most often the causative agents of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and throat, and the use of antigens-lysates will help the body to develop more stable and strong immunity against these diseases.

Inoculation against scarlet fever in children

There is such a myth as a vaccination against scarlet fever. In fact, such a vaccine once existed, but in the end, scientists were convinced of its uselessness and extreme inconvenience, since the vaccine had to be done often enough to act. So, alas, there is no such magic injection that would save the children from scarlet fever.

How much is the child infectious with scarlet fever?

If you have a child with scarlet fever, then you need to isolate it in a separate room so that it does not infect other children or even yourself. The doctor will tell you about the duration of isolation, but you can also call the approximate time frame.

The incubation period of scarlet fever in children can last from 1 day to 12. Then the onset of the disease, which is most often acute and sudden. To stop isolation and allow other children who did not suffer from scarlet fever to communicate with the sick person, not earlier than 10 days after the onset of the disease. But quarantine in children after scarlet fever, lasts no less than twelve days from the moment of recovery.