Stomatitis in children - symptoms and treatment

Careful moms carefully monitor the health of the crumbs. They pay attention to any redness and eruptions, abnormalities in the stool, changes in behavior. Sometimes parents notice inflammations on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. Such manifestations are characteristic for stomatitis. The disease can affect a child of any age group. All forms of the disease have a common cause of manifestation. The children are very delicate mucous, which is easily traumatized. An immature immune system can not cope with microbes that have entered the oral cavity, viruses, infections. Because of this, this disease develops.

Symptoms and treatment of candidal stomatitis in children

This form is also called thrush, and it is caused by fungi. You can name the main symptoms of this disease:

Most often, the symptoms of candidal stomatitis are found in infants, the treatment scheme may differ from that of older children.

To combat the disease the doctor can recommend the following measures:

Signs and treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children

The herpes virus affects most people, but the development of infection depends on the state of the immune system. Children from 1 to 3 years are most susceptible to this form of the disease. For up to one year, babies are protected by maternal antibodies. Over time, they are excreted from the body. At the same time, own antibodies in the body of children have not yet been developed, which is the reason for the vulnerability of this age group to the disease.

It is useful for parents to know what symptoms of herpetic stomatitis in a child they can pay attention to:

The following procedures can be prescribed for therapy:

Do not try to get rid of the infection on your own. The doctor will prescribe therapy taking into account the age of the small patient and the features of the course of the disease. After all, some drugs can have their age limits, side effects and contraindications.

Signs and treatment of aphthous stomatitis

His exact reasons have not yet been determined. It is believed that it provokes problems with the digestive system, as well as allergic reactions. This form is usually diagnosed in school-age children. Foci of lesions at first resemble vesicles in herpetic stomatitis. But then painful ulcers are formed, which are called aphtha. They have a white color with a red border. An infection can join these lesions, which aggravates the inflammatory process.

Since the reasons for this form are not known exactly, it may be necessary to prescribe a treatment careful examination with different specialists (allergist, gastroenterologist).

Children may also experience traumatic stomatitis. It develops as a result of accidental damage to the oral cavity. A child can bite a cheek or lip, injure them with a piece of solid food or a toy. If bacteria get into the wound, inflammation will begin. Sometimes the disease becomes a reaction to taking medications or some products.

Treatment of stomatitis in children by folk remedies is allowed only after consultation with a specialist.