Flat-footed feet in children

Flat-footedness in the smallest is not a deviation from the norm. This is physiological and should not cause concern to parents. The arch of the foot begins to form from the time when the crumb begins to take its first steps. This lasts for about 3-5 years. But not always the process goes right and the orthopedist on the examination can pay attention to the pathology. Flat-footed feet in children - one of the orthopedic problems, which requires the attention of parents and timely treatment. At the kid with such diagnosis the heel and fingers are turned outwards, and the middle part is bent inside. If you look at these stops from above, they resemble the letter "X".

Causes and consequences

Ploskovalgusnye stops in children under 3 years are not considered a deviation. An exception is only congenital anomalies. In older children, the following causes can lead to the appearance of a violation:

If the problem is left to chance, it will lead to a curvature of the spine, joint diseases, frequent pain. Therefore, it is so important to take the necessary measures in time.

Treatment of flat-foot deformities of feet in children

First the doctor should conduct a survey. Depending on the neglect of the disease and the nature of the violations, the doctor will give his recommendations. If the pathology is congenital, then even an infant of an early age will be treated by an orthopedist . In this case, it may be necessary to correct the shape of the leg with a plaster bandage. For each baby she is selected individually. Then you can move on to other stages of treatment, which are also used for children whose pathology is acquired.

Massage with a flat-footed foot in children is carried out in accordance with the age characteristics of the child. It is recommended to conduct several courses for 10 - 20 sessions. Particular attention is paid to working with the lumbar spine. This is important, because there are nerves to the muscles of the legs, as well as to the gluteal region. Massage is also performed using special techniques.

Good results with a flat-footed foot in children gives gymnastics . This is possible only when the exercises are carried out with the regularity prescribed by the specialist. The best option is to conduct classes several times during the day. The complex should be divided into several parts. The child should be in thin socks.

Exercise at a flat-footed foot in children can be done at home on their own, but massage sessions should be entrusted to a professional.

You should also pay attention to the correct selection of shoes and insoles. Before buying it is advisable to consult with an observant doctor. He will give the necessary recommendations. Shoes should be firm and have a hard back.

Insoles and shoes with flat feet in children help in the fight against the disease, but they can not be worn constantly. This is fraught with muscle atrophy of the foot.

Do not give the child to wear models without backdrops, for example, slates. Also, it is not necessary for the baby to wear out the shoes of older children.

Preventive actions

To prevent the formation of such a violation, it is important remember the need for certain measures: