Dyskinesia of bile ducts in children

Dyskinesia of bile ducts in children is the result of a violation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder into the duodenum. Without bile, a complete digestion process is not possible, as it promotes the breakdown of fats and helps in the assimilation of nutrients by the body.

Symptoms of biliary dyskinesia in children

The picture of the course of dyskinesia of the biliary tract is associated with the clinical form of the disease. With hypertensive DZHVP the gallbladder is reduced, and bile is not allocated. When hypotonic - the bladder does not contract, and bile flows constantly. With mixed - combined signs of hypotonic and hypertensive DZHVP.

Signs of hypertensive dyskinesia biliary tract

Signs of mixed dyskinesia

Symptoms of hypotonic dyskinesia

Causes of biliary dyskinesia

DZHVP is primary and secondary. Primary dyskinesia is rare (1 case out of 10) and is caused by congenital malformations present in the gallbladder or bile ducts.

Secondary DZHVP occurs due to disease and malnutrition:

Often, a predisposition to dyskinesia occurs as a reaction to stress, psycho-emotional stress and significant (or prolonged) loads.

To determine the cause of the disease, studies are carried out, including a blood test, FGD, ultrasound examination, bile analysis for the presence of lamblia and helminthic invasion.

Treatment of dyskinesia in children

The therapy is carried out in three directions:

  1. Elimination of the cause that caused this condition - treatment of the underlying disease;
  2. Elimination of manifestations of cholestasis, including antibacterial treatment, taking antispasmodics and preparations containing enzymes;
  3. Compliance with a long diet.

For the duration of treatment, the patient should be protected from physical exertion, so that as a result the tension does not break the gallbladder.

A diet for dyskinesia in children

The basis for the effective treatment of dyskinesia is compliance with the diet. It is prohibited to eat fried, fatty (including mayonnaise), spicy, carbonated water with syrup, ice cream. Strictly limited consumption of sweets, whole milk, coarse fiber (rye bread); products that cause enhanced gas formation (pea, cabbage, beans). Boiled and cooked by steam are recommended. It is desirable to give more often to the child oat and buckwheat porridge, berry-fruit and milk kissels, sour-milk products without preservatives, cottage cheese, greens. In addition, it is necessary that food be fractional, and portions of food - small.

Drug treatment of DZHVP

In the hypertensive type, drugs that exert a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, as well as medicines containing magnesium, are prescribed. Mineral water is recommended outside of the acute form. In the hypotonic type, cholagogue and tonic are prescribed, to improve the outflow of bile is used such a physiological method as tjubazh.

Treatment of dyskinesia should be performed according to the appointment of a specialist and under his strict supervision!