Detritus in the feces of a child

Detritus in the feces of a child is a perfectly normal phenomenon, since detritus is small particles of food that has been digested by the body and destroyed bacterial cells. That is, the better and fuller the digestion of food in the child's body, the more detritus will be found in the stool. In fact, detritus in feces is a completely normal form of digestive process waste. But according to this factor, as well as the general characteristics of stool, which will be known after the coprogram, you can determine the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole.

It can be said with certainty that the detritus in the coprogram is not any violation, but on the contrary, there is the most natural and correct thing.

Is there a norm?

Also there is no norm of detritus content in feces, or rather, it will be more correct to say that it is different, in accordance with the age and general general state of the human body.

But if the detritus in the feces is combined with some other symptoms or contained, then this can be a sign of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, that this can be a combination of fecal detritus and mucus with leukocytes, which indicates a dysbiosis . That is, detritus itself is not a symptom of something or a sign of some disease, but on the contrary it is the norm, but in certain combinations with other symptoms it can be a "messenger" about the problem with the stomach, its microflora and the body as a whole .

The main thing is to know that detritus in the feces of a baby or child is not a cause for concern. If, however, some reasons for concern will still be, then the doctor. After the coprogram, you will be informed of this and will prescribe a treatment. And since the diagnosis of feces detritus is not a terrible disease.