Rotavirus infection - signs in children

Signs of this type of violation, such as rotavirus infection, in children can be hidden. Timely treatment of the disease is complicated by the fact that the diagnosis of the disease in children is often difficult, because they can not always clearly and clearly explain what troubles them and where it hurts. Let's consider this disease in more detail, and try to identify the symptoms that indicate the development of rotavirus infection in children.

How does rotavirus disease begin?

It is worth noting that the first symptoms of this disease are very similar to many disorders. So, at the very beginning of the disease, bloating, nausea and vomiting are observed. According to these signs in most cases, moms suggest that their baby has a simple food poisoning. However, after the expiration of time, the symptomatology begins to increase.

In most situations, the disease begins very sharply and rapidly. It should be noted that the symptoms of the disease can be observed for 7-10 days, which forces doctors to conduct more thorough diagnosis.

What signs indicate the presence of rotavirus in the body in children?

As already mentioned above, parents can very easily confuse this kind of disease with another disease. To prevent this from happening, let us consider in detail the whole mechanism of the development of the disease.

The first signs of rotavirus infection in children include the occurrence of vomiting on the background of increased body temperature. The child becomes sluggish, refuses to eat. In breaks between feedings, vomiting with streaks of mucus may occur.

This disease never comes without painful sensations in the lower abdomen. At the same time, there is a boiling in the stomach, which is caused by increased gas production.

Against the background of the digestion disorders described above, diarrhea is an indispensable sign of rotavirus infection in children. Exercises can have a color from yellow to whitish white and almost always with a very sharp odor. In some cases, the appearance of mucus impurities may be observed. It is worth noting that in most cases diarrhea develops already during the height of the disease, i.ะต. about 3-4 days after the onset of the first symptoms.

In severe cases of the disease and with its prolonged course, dehydration of the organism occurs. In such situations it is necessary to carry out measures to restore the water balance in the baby's body.

Separately it is necessary to say about the symptoms of rotavirus infection in infants (up to 1 year). In such babies, the most obvious sign of the disease is an abundant, sometimes almost indomitable vomiting. All the food that is offered to the baby (breast milk or artificial mixture), after a short time is out. As for diarrhea, it is not noticed in young children with this kind of disease.

What should mom do if symptoms of rotavirus infection appear?

As can be seen from the above, the symptomatology of the disease is very similar to manifestations of such disorders as food poisoning, cholera or salmonellosis. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to independently determine its mother.

Therefore it is very important, almost immediately after the appearance of the first signs of the disease (fever, lethargy, apathy, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea), call a pediatrician at home. To accurately determine the pathogen, as a rule, the child is assigned laboratory tests, which include a general blood test, a general urine test, a coprological examination of stool.