Salad with bacon

All salads with bacon are prepared quite quickly and simply. Plus such dishes consists that smoked products are very nutritious, and after such snack you will be full for a long time. We offer you several recipes of original salads with bacon.

Salad with bacon and tomatoes



Bacon small size and fry for 5 minutes in a dry griddle until lightly browned. White breads cut into cubes, bake in the oven and put in a bowl. Add bacon, lettuce leaves and half-sliced ​​tomatoes. Lemon juice is combined with olive oil, pour salad dressing and mix thoroughly.

Salad with bacon and croutons



To make a salad with beans, bacon cut into strips, spread on a small frying pan and fry over medium heat, stirring. Then transfer it to a paper napkin and leave to cool. Parsley is washed, dried and crushed, leaving a few leaves for decoration. Canned beans and corn is thrown into a colander. If you do not have ready crackers, then cut the bread into cubes, fry it on the oil and cool it. After that, mix all ingredients in a bowl, season with mayonnaise, squeeze out a clove of garlic and mix. Next, we remove the ready salad with fried bacon in the refrigerator for half an hour, covering the bowl with a lid.

Caesar salad with bacon


For refueling:


Chicken breast is washed, dried, rubbed with salt and pepper, let it soak for about half an hour and fry in a hot vegetable oil until cooked. Then the meat is cooled and cut into small slices. Bacon shredded in thin strips and browned on a dry frying pan. Pomidchiki cut in half. Now let's prepare a dressing for our salad: break the egg and gently pour into the bowl just a yolk. Add olive oil, put mustard, lemon juice, wine vinegar and whisk. Then add the crushed anchovies, capers, squeeze out the garlic and throw the grated cheese. All carefully mix. Lettuce leaves are cooled, grinded into small pieces, laid on the bottom of the salad bowl and poured abundantly prepared sauce. Next, lay out all the ingredients, decorate the salad with bacon and chicken with cheese plates and immediately before serving add croutons.

Salad with bacon and cheese



Lettuce leaves pour for 30 minutes with cold water, rinse and dry. Cooked and peeled eggs are cut into quarters, and bacon roast until browned on a dry frying pan and shredded strips. Cheese grind on the grandson. Then lining the dish with salad leaves, sprinkle them with sauce, spread bacon on top, and lay out eggs around, sprinkle all the cheese and sprinkle with oil.