Meat Zrazy

Meat zrazy is a popular traditional dish of Slavic cuisine. In the old days, they were repulsed, twisted and well seasoned with a variety of spices meat. Nowadays, there are many original and delicious recipes for cooking meat. Let's look at some of them with you.

Zrazy potato with minced meat



How to cook meat zrazy? We take onion, peel it, rinse it and finely chop it. Then fry it in a well-heated frying pan, with vegetable oil, until golden brown. Next, add to the onions minced meat, salt, pepper to taste and mix thoroughly. We peel the potatoes, cut them into slices, boil them in salted water until cooked, and then make mashed potatoes. In the cooled potato mass, drive the egg and gradually pour in the flour. We mix everything thoroughly, form small balls and crumble them in flour. Next, each ball is pressed with the palm and we give them the shape of flat cakes, on the center of each of which, we spread the prepared meat filling and carefully splinter the edges. Fry zrazy from potatoes with meat to a crusty crust on warmed vegetable oil on both sides.

Zrazy meat with cheese


For filling:


How to cook meat zrazy? Eggs break into a deep bowl, add semolina, salt and ground black pepper, mix everything thoroughly, lightly whipping the mass with a whisk. Then gently pour the egg mixture into the minced meat, add squeezed through the press garlic and finely chopped green and onions. For the filling we boil the eggs, cool them, clean them from the shell and rub along with the cheese on a coarse grater. Now, in the pancakes made with minced meat, put a little butter and stuffing, cut the edges thoroughly, give the cutlets shape and roll them in breadcrumbs or in sifted flour. Fry zrazy with cheese from manga with meat in a hot frying pan, in vegetable oil, until the appetizing light brown crust appears.

Meat zrazy with vegetables


For filling:


We twist several times through a meat grinder pork, beef and peeled onions. Then in cooked forcemeat we add raw egg, salt, pepper mass to taste and thoroughly mix everything. Now we make the filling: for this, onions, carrots and zucchini are cleaned, cut into small cubes and passaged in vegetable oil until soft. After adding the previously boiled and crushed eggs and rubbing on a large grater cheese. Next, take a cake of meat, put in the center of the filling and form small cutlets. We drop zrazes in breadcrumbs and put them on a greased baking sheet. Bake meat zrazy in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 45 minutes, periodically adding a little oil.

You can replace vegetables in zrazy, for example, with mushrooms. Finished zrazy with mushrooms is served with sour cream. Enjoy your meal!