Lack of magnesium in the body - symptoms

The lack of magnesium in the body leads to a violation of its normal functioning, which will be reported by the symptoms accompanying the deficiency of this trace element. The most interesting thing is that you can not immediately identify them. After all, signs of a lack of magnesium are similar to those that occur in many diseases. Worst of all, if under the influence of stressful factors a person not only lacks a given microelement, but also gets sick as a result of weakening the protective functions of the immune system.

Magnesium for the body of a woman

First of all, it is worth noting that for the female body this element plays an important role. The most important is because it helps to always remain young, healthy and beautiful.

Most often, a lack of magnesium is observed in the female body. Its number depends on the regularity of the menstrual cycle, ovulation, pregnancy. Moreover, magnesium affects not only the appearance of a person, but also her well-being. It is important to note that it is vitally important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Is it always pleasant for you to walk irritated, to lose your temper by the smallest trifles and get upset without a good reason?

If magnesium is not enough in the body - symptoms

Arguing about the general state of a person, we get that the deficit of this microelement is manifested in the form of chronic fatigue, fast fatigue: you have just woken up recently, and already feel that you need rest. Moreover, even after 8-10 hours of sleep you feel like a "squeezed lemon", legs and hands seem to be filled with lead, the feeling of "brokenness" does not leave the whole day.

It is impossible not to affect the state of the nervous system, which, by the way, gets no less than cardiovascular. So, often in the middle of the night you wake up in a cold sweat from the fact that Morpheus torments you with nightmares. In addition, in the body of a woman, signs of a lack of magnesium in the body are manifested in the form of frequent headaches, tearfulness, depressive states. It's harder and harder for you to concentrate. And, if previously started business was necessarily brought to the end, now everything has changed for the worse. To this should be added and the deterioration of the ability of concentration.

Every day more and more pain in the heart, heart palpitations. Arterial pressure is increased, then decreased. The level of cholesterol in the blood increases noticeably.

In order to accurately identify the symptoms of a lack of magnesium in the human body, pay attention to whether you are experiencing pain with any stretching or muscle tension. Cases of seizures in the back, hands, feet, and the back of the head are not uncommon.

Due to magnesium deficiency, the viruses are increasingly entering the body, with which immunity is more difficult to control. This causes frequent colds.

It is important to note that the lack of this microelement leads to increased hair loss: every day beauties with magnificent head of hair are waiting for disappointment, which not only makes you sad, but also makes you think that it is time to take vitamins, medicines that help replenish the lost reserves of magnesium.

No less "pleasant" symptom is the fragility of the nails, the appearance of caries in the teeth. With the onset of critical days, a woman experiences severe pain. They are preceded by a pronounced PMS .

Often after a normal meal, abdominal pain, "stool", spasms of the intestine, esophagus are observed. Also, magnesium deficiency - a low body temperature, aches as a reaction to changes in the weather, constantly cold hands and feet.