Celery planting on seedlings

The period of vegetation of celery is quite long - about 160 days. Therefore, if you want to get a good harvest of this crop, you need to grow it through seedlings. Often farmers, especially beginners, are interested in the question of how to plant celery for seedlings.

The ideal time for sowing celery seeds for seedlings is the end of February. Seeds of leaf celery can be planted ten days later. It is very important to prepare seeds properly for sowing. The problem is that they have in their composition many essential oils, which significantly inhibit their swelling and germination. Often, especially when there is a lack of moisture, the seeds can lie in the soil unchanged up to 25 days. Therefore, before sowing, such seeds must be germinated.

Preparation of celery seeds for sowing

Experienced gardener know two ways of preparing the seeds of leaf and root celery for planting on seedlings. One way is to bubble the seeds of celery throughout the day in water saturated with oxygen. They are then aged for 45 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and washed with water. The second method is that first the seeds must be etched for 45 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse with water and soak in a solution of Epin for 18 hours. This solution is 2 drops of the drug mixed with 0.5 glasses of water. Prepared by any of these methods, the seeds are ready for sowing. Pour them on a damp cloth and put it for germination in a warm place.

Celery growing seedlings

As practice shows, to grow a strong seedling of celery, you need to prepare the soil in advance. It should consist of 1 part of soddy soil, 3 parts of peat and 1 part of humus, in which it is necessary to add coarse-grained river sand. On the bucket of this mixture, add 1 cup of wood ash and 1 teaspoon of urea. Pour the resulting nutrient into the planting boxes, lightly moisturize. Sprouted seeds mixed with sand, put in rows in boxes and sprinkled on top with a thin layer of fine sand.

We place a box with seeds in a warm place and wrap it with a film. Shoots usually appear on day 12-15. Periodically, the soil with seeds should be moistened with warm water from the spray gun. Do not use cold water - this can bring seedling disease.

After the emergence of celery shoots, the boxes are opened and transferred to a cool and sunny place. Initially, the seedlings grow very slowly. Approximately a month after the appearance of 1 or 2 of these leaves, the seedlings must be cut or cut into pots, paper cups, or planted in a greenhouse or a small greenhouse.

During the picks, you should be very careful and try not to damage the root spine of the seedling. In the soil it is necessary to immerse the plant to half of the grown stem, in no case sprinkling the growth point. If you decide to put the seedlings in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, make sure that the distance between them is about 5 cm. After planting, the plants should be watered and moistened for a few days with damp paper. In the future, it is necessary to loosen the soil between the plants, if necessary, water and feed them.

Before planting celery seedlings in the open soil, it must be tempered. Bring out the seedlings first for a day, and then for the night, gradually accustoming plants to open air.

When seedlings appear on the seedlings of 4-5 real leaves, the seedlings are ready for planting in the open ground. It remains to wait for warm weather and to start this work. Usually this happens in the first half of May. Seedlings for the cultivation of root and stalked celery , planted in the early period, gives a higher and higher quality yield. But it should be remembered that with the early planting a large number of peduncles is formed, which weakens the plant and reduces the yield. Therefore, the most suitable for planting is a seedling with a height of up to 15 cm, which has a developed root system.

So we found out how to plant celery for seedlings. Following these recommendations, you will collect an excellent crop of celery.